21) The Drive

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Song: Waiting by Green Day


"It was very nice of you to give me a heads up before leaving on Friday night." Stacy said taking a seat next to Juan.

I lifted my head up from my tuna sandwich. "What are you talking about?"

"Friday at the lake. I was the one who brought you, and you just left without saying a word. I looked for you for almost an hour before I asked around, and Holly told me that you left with Damien." I could have sworn that her cheeks got a light shade of pink at the mention of Holly.

"Oh that. If I remember correctly, you abandoned me to go look for Juan and Austin." I told her.

She gasped. "I didn't abandon you. I would never do that."

"Actually you did." Juan said.

She turned to give Juan a mean look. "No I didn't."

"Dude, you literally said that you abandoned Kai because he refused to drink, and he was boring." Juan deadpanned.

"Why would you lie like that?" Stacy said crossing her arms over her chest.

I looked between Juan and Stacy. I didn't know who to believe, and honestly I didn't care. Juan was a clown and Stacy, well I don't really know what to think about her. She did try to pressure me into drinking, but oh well. We all have our bitch moments.

"Stacy you know I'm not lying." Juan said mimicking her by crossing his arms.

"Okay, and even if I did, that doesn't give him the right to leave without telling me." She said.

"Actually, it does. I would have done the exact same thing. Abandonment for abandonment. I say that now you'll are even." Juan said, to which I nodded in agreement.

"And by the way, on your quest to look for Kai, you ended up talking to Holly." Juan said wiggling his eyebrows.

"Shut up." Stacy said, punching Juan in the Shoulder.

"Ouch. What was that for?" Juan said rubbing the spot where Stacy hit him.


"Kai you better get your lazy ass down here and wash these fucking dishes." My mother yelled from downstairs.

I sighed and placed the picture of Damien that I was finishing aside. Leave it to my mother to disturb my peace.

I opened my door and walked down the stairs, completely ignoring my mother who was standing at the bottom of the stairs, with her arms crossed and tapping her foot in fustration.

When I entered the kitchen, my face immediately paled. The sink was overflowing with dirty dishes and the counter was cluttered with even more plates and utensils. It looked like it's been a while since the dishes were last washed.

I turned to give my mother a hateful glare. I was really starting to hate that woman. It's not fair that I'm the one who has to clean this mess. I don't even eat here for crying out loud! Why am I the one who has to do it!

I was angry. And I was even more angry when I turned around and saw my mother with a sly smile on her face, as if she had just accomplished something great. What kind of mother doesn't clean after her mess, and makes her child do it, just to be cruel?

"I can't wash these." I said pointing to the dishes in the sink. "I have alot of homework and assignments to do for tomorrow."

The smile on my mother's face dropped and she approached me. She lifted her hand and gently caressed my cheek causing me to flinch. I looked her in the eyes. What was she doing? She is actually touching me willingly. Was she finally going to be understanding?

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