22) A Little Obsessed

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Song; Check Yes Juliet by We The Kings

Damien Beckett (POV)

People think that they know me. Yeah, they may know certain things about me, but that's just the things that I want them to know. There's plenty of things that they don't know, like the fact that I love romantic movies, or my love for video games, or how about the fact that I'm an amazing cook.

Yep, that's right, chef Damien Beckett. I even think it has a nice ring to it.

"Oh my god! Damien, what is that?" My annoying little brother, Topher said pointing to the concoction that I was mixing in the pan.

"It's pasta sauce. What the fuck does it look like?" I said giving him an annoyed look.

"It looks like someone committed a crime in there." He said referring to what was going on in the pan.

Leave it to Topher to rain on my parade. "That was a rhetorical question, dipshit."

"Oh trust me, someone will definitely be shitting if they eat that abomination of your pasta sauce."

I have a love hate relationship with my brother. Obviously I love him, but at times he makes it so hard. I guess that's the whole point of having siblings. To show you that loving someone isn't always easy, and to teach you how to put up with bullshit.

"And I didn't ask for your opinion, so can you, for once in your life, mind your business." I rolled my eyes at my brother.

"Okay, but when you end up in the hospital after you eat that, don't expect me to be at your bed side." Toph said crossing his arms over his chest.

"Boys, it's too early in the morning for you'll to be arguing." Mom said coming down the stairs, still in her pyjamas, with dad hot on her heels, but he was wearing a black suit.

"Toph started it." I complained.

"You started it, when you decided that you would go out of your comfort zone, trying to make pasta sauce." Topher shot back

"I'm going to fucking strangle you." I said taking a step towards my brother.

My mother turned towards my father with a defeated look on her face. "Help."

"I say we let them fight it out." Dad said.

"Seriously Matt? You're really not helping the situation right now." Mom scolded.

"Sorry." Dad said holding both of his hands up in surrender.

"The two of you stop it." He said with authority in his voice, and moved to the fridge to get a bottle of water.

I huffed, and went back to the pasta that I was cooking. Mom came to stand next to me.

"What are you doing?" She asked.

"I'm cooking." I told her.

"Yes, I can see that, but since when do you cook lunch? You would normally just buy something."

"It's not for me, it's for Kai." I said, and felt my cheeks heat up at the mention of his name.

"I've seen the way he eats the food from the cafeteria, I don't think he likes it that much."

My mother squealed like a pig with happiness. "Awww that's so cute." She said, pinching my already red cheeks.

"You watch him while he eats?" My father asked to which I shook my head yes.

"That's kinda creepy." Dad said taking a sip from his water bottle.

I heard the sound of a snicker coming from Topher's direction.

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