Chapter 1

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Clyde had a day off from his bodyguarding duty from the Magna family. He'd usually looking for some odd jobs as a side hustle to earn extra money on the side whenever he is on duty. One day he was looking through listings edvenully finding one from another royal

 One day he was looking through listings edvenully finding one from another royal

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Clyde:hmmm looks like another royal needs help....I guess it's no harm done as long as they pay well

Clyde then got dressed putting on his cowboy outfit as well as his hat and boots as well as putting on his holsters for his guns climbing onto his hell horse and rode off. Later he arrived at the address given in the listing which was a large mansion as he suspected he then arrived at the front gate and got off his horse and walked towards the front door and knocked on the door it was edvenully answered by the butler of the house

Butler:ah you must be the gentleman who answered to the listing

Clyde: yeah that's me

Butler:good now follow me the lady has been waiting for you

The butler guided Clyde through the house edvenully arriving at the bedroom

Butler:go on in she's inside

Clyde entered the room he looked around as it seemed to be empty

Clyde:where the hell is she?

Stella: *walks out with a towel around her* Ah that's better

Clyde:*he blushed and quickly looked* Oh I'm so sorry I didn't know you were in the shower ma'am

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Clyde:*he blushed and quickly looked* Oh I'm so sorry I didn't know you were in the shower ma'am

Stella: Oh you must be the bodyguard

Clyde:y...yeah you've heard of me?

Stella: I have

Clyde:o..ok then anyway what is it that you need me for

Stella: well how much do you go for night, or are you paid by the hour?

Clyde:excuse me? Do I look like a prostitute to you

Stella: then whats with the silly cowboy get up

Clyde:this is how I normally dress I take pride myself where I come from

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