Chapter 14

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It opens on Clyde and Millie arriving at the Rough and Tumble ranch.

Millie:Thanks for volunteering to help with my family's ranch Clyde

Clyde:It's no trouble at all Millie. I know that Millie. I figured since I'm not busy with other jobs for any of my employers I would help out, plus I couldn't pass up the chance to come back to Wrath for any reason

Millie:Me too I always love come back here too seeing my family

Clyde:You're lucky Millie....

Millie:What do you mean?

Clyde:N...nothing nevermind

Millie:You can tell me

Clyde:Another time Millie we got work to do

Clyde knock on the door and are greeted by Lin.

Lin:It's good to see you again Clyde

Clyde:You as well Lin. And if I may say you look very lovely today

Lin:Aww you flatter

Clyde:Anyway what do you need done first?

Lin:You can start with feeding these hellhogs *gestures to the pen*

Clyde:No problem

He effortlessly pick up a dead animal carcass and hoist it over his shoulder.

Lin/Millie/Sallie (mind):Oof. Mama needs some of that

Clyde tossed the carcass into pen just as effortlessly before walking off. It then showed a montage of Clyde doing various chores like pouring manure in the fields, hoeing said fields, milking the cows, choping firewood, ect. It then transitions to Clyde hauling hay into a pickup truck with one of Millie's brothers behind the wheel. Clyde took his hat off wiping his forehead and taking his shirt off. Lin as seen blushing up a storm at the sight. As Clyde wipe more sweat off his brow and forehead Lin approached him with a beer in hand.

Lin:Never seen anyone who wasn't family volunteer for farm work before. You deserve a drink *she said handing him the beer*

Clyde:Thanks Lin

He drinks while Lin ogles him while biting her lower lip.

Lin:You said before your family had farm too, where is it at

Clyde:A few yards away from here somewhere on the outskirts of the city

Lin:Did you have any farmhands there to help you?

Clyde:Nah it was mainly me and Pa doing to work while Ma stayed in the house

Lin:Must have been back breaking work huh

Clyde:Yeah but it was worth it

Lin:How is it now?

Clyde:It's abandoned and the crops and animals are dead


Clyde:Yeah...something happened years ago and I had to leave that place

Lin:What happened?

Millie walked over with Sallie May.

Millie:Yeah what happened?

Clyde:It's a long story

Lin:Why don't we take a break and we can talk inside the house

Clyde:Sure why not

They all walked into the house while Clyde put his shirt and hat back on as they took a seat on their couch.

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