Chapter 3

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The next day it opens on Valentina's limo driving down a desert rode as it showed her, Clyde, Summer and Dia inside of it as both of the girls sleeping resting their heads on Clyde's shoulders.

Clyde:So what's on the agenda today ma'am? Why are we coming out here for?

Valentina:We're visiting some friends of mine

Clyde:they live in the middle of nowhere?

Valentina:No they live in a part of hell that resemble the old west

Clyde:Oh i see why you wanted to bring me

Valentina:yeah I figured we'd go somewhere you're familiar with

Clyde:Well thanks I'm happy you're so considered

Valentina:of course I'm not much of a jerk like my brother who only cares about his own needs

Clyde:So he's the definition of greed huh? Heh Mamon would be proud

Valentina:You know Mamon?

Clyde:no but I've certainly heard of him, anyway why exactly are we going to this place for

Valentina:It's just a part of my rounds to check on business I'm investing in and also people I'm protecting

Clyde:so this is like a protection racket?

Valentina:kinda but I don't really collect protection money, I do it out of the kindness of my heart

Clyde:Heh I guess I was lucky enough to have been hired by such a kind hearted boss

Valentina:hehe not only that you get to fuck her whenever you want~

Clyde:Heh I'm quite the lucky guy huh

Valentina:You certainly are~

Later they arrived at a brothel with a hive like exterior including a honey comb shape and with black and yellow stripes, it was called Goldie's honey pot. The limo pulled up to the front as the group got out before walking towards the front door and entered. The interior was very old school with the paint and furniture and everything else was very time appropriate at the time.

Clyde:Wow I've never been to a place like this

Summer:You never been at a brothel

Clyde:No never, as you could figure I'm a virgin or rather I was until you know *whispers* that "job" for Stella

Dia:oh right

Clyde:Anyway who are the owners of this place?

Valentina:they're a pair of sinners who look like a Bees

Clyde:You mean those two?

He said as he pointed out a pair of bee demons a man and a woman both looked exactly alike except the woman doesn't have wings and antinas as they were at the bar.

Valentina:Yes that's them

The group approached the two.

Valentina:Hey you two how are this going on

Female bee:Oh Heya Tina things are mighty fine here

Female bee:Oh Heya Tina things are mighty fine here

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