Chapter 2: The Escalators

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The huge glass buildings of the island's largest town reach into the baby blue sky, towering in the near distance and reflecting the dancing clouds- it won't be long until we get there now. My memories of the town are beautiful, the eccentric church, quaint cafés and vintage shops lining the narrow streets. As you walk away from the town centre the Tudor-style buildings fade into huge department stores, their windows full of manikins and floor-length posters advertising sales.

I doubt the town is like that now. The department stores might have survived, the huge metal and concrete constructions keeping the zombies at bay, but I fear for the dated shops and cafes with breakable exteriors. 

Jaz yawns tiredly in my lap and it brings my out of my daydream, my eyes fixing onto my surroundings. We pass the town's entry sign and soon the houses turn into huge buildings and the road becomes gridlocked with cars, giving us no option to proceed on foot. Our footsteps are loud though, and they echo off the otherwise silent street. The stillness is uncanny and I want to scream to inject some life into this graveyard of buildings. Movement catches my eye and I snap my head around, glancing down the street. The smeared glass door of a department store is just closing, sliding shut silently. 

"Guys? Did you see that?" I ask, pointing to the department store across the street, but they all shake their head. "The door to that shop just swung closed, I think there's something in there," I murmur, choosing my words carefully. The hope for human life remains strong but we all know that it's unlikely in this desolate and empty world.

"Let's go and check it out," Maria says, "it could be another survivor," she suggests and I nod cautiously. 

"Maybe," I say with a small smile when I notice the look of eagerness in Soph's eyes. 

"Maybe not," Josh adds and I shoot him a disapproving glance over my shoulder to which he just shrugs, confused by my optimism.

We slowly walk across the street and I push the door open quietly, motioning for the group to follow me as I squeeze through the ajar glass door. We creep into the first section full of summery dresses and I'm just about to turn around when a crash echoes from upstairs, I glance to the escalator and chew my lip. My desire for human survivors battling my determination to keep my friends and family safe from harm.

"What shall we do?" I whisper, noticing the mirrored look of confusion and uncertainty shaping the group's faces.

"We need to check it out, we can't leave another human to die out here," Soph says compassionately and I purse my lips, my eyes flickering to and from the escalators which lead to the level above us.

"And if it's not human? If it's another zombie? You know the risk," I question back, a hint of desperation in my voice, "especially with how rapidly the infected have evolved."

"Why would the infected come in here, Madeline?" Josh asks softly, "how does this fit with their master plan?"

"We don't know what they're planning, Josh," I reply, "but you're right, I don't see how that would fit," I concede. 

"What if they were following someone," Maria states anxiously, wrapping her arms around her petite frame and gazing over her shoulder- scrutinizing the shop floor. 

"Then we definitely need to go upstairs, someone might be about to die!" Soph says worriedly and I pinch the bridge of my nose, squeezing my eyes shut and letting out a frustrated sigh.

"Ok," I whisper, "I'll go and check it out."

"Not on your own," Josh frowns, pulling a knife out of his waistband and gripping it tightly. I start to object but he raises an eyebrow in my direction, a look that suggests he's in no mood for arguing and isn't willing to compromise. 

"Fine," I say bluntly, "but you all need to stay behind me."

I guess when the power shut down around the country it wasn't all a bad thing, it means we can creep up the escalators at a stealthy pace now. I go slowly, fearful of making any noise, but the suspense creates a thick tension and I find the adrenaline pumping through my body. We have to keep calm and remain focused at all times because that's when accidents happen, we all know that perhaps too well. Bad luck seems to cling to us.

We get to the top of the escalators and I turn around to Sophie, passing Ashia to her gently and motioning for her to stay hidden at the top of the escalators- out of harm's way. I lower myself to my hands and knees and crawl to a rack of long dresses that will conceal us. Josh and Maria slide in next to me and I glance around my surroundings, taking in the strewn cardboard boxes and ripped clothing that surrounds us.

"Madeline?" I hear Josh whisper and I whip my head around.

I see him point over the other side of the shop, his eyes darting from one corner of the building to the other and acknowledging the two fire safety doors that are illuminated by their green glow. I slowly turn around and look over, I can see movement at the end of the shop and hear the quiet danger-filled shuffling. My heart hammers against my chest and I take a deep breath nervously, trying to steady my shaking hands.

I nod and slowly get to my feet, keeping my head low as I survey the area cautiously and move forward- making my way towards the sound. I wield my knife ready for an attack as I close in on the subtle noise, stopping in front of a rack of clothing. I put a finger to my lips; Josh and Maria both nod tightly, their eyes narrowed and apprehensive. 

I slowly step around the rack of jumpers and my eyes shoot to the ground, my knife slipping from my grasp and clattering to the floor.

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