Chapter 30 - My Prince Charming

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I giggled as I listened to another one of his stories. Never thought Eric would be one to joke so freely, well, he actually isn't. From what I've heard, his dates are never so lighthearted as ours was.

I was having the best time of my life, because even if it was a very romantic situation, dining as we were in a cozy and really cute Italian restaurant, which took us a little to reach, but it was worth it, and we were having fun, laughing and chatting together like we never have.

It felt like we'd just met and were really enjoying the time together. And there I noticed how I was right ... that lovely child I saw years ago was still there, was just very well hidden behind the bad boy mask. I enjoyed, really enjoyed, seeing him smile so spontaneously and happily and sweetly. I enjoyed the gleeful glint that lit up in his blue eyes as he smiled and laughed so truthfully. I enjoyed his hand reaching for mine now and then, gripping it till the waitress came every now and then.

And even her, a sixtyish woman, grinned from ear to ear as she beheld his hand entangled in mine. She said we were by far the cutest couple she'd ever seen and I blushed at that, Eric squeezed my hand, which made my heart skip a beat, especially because it felt all too perfect.

I enjoyed his voice ... so deep and yet boyish. I enjoyed his silly stories, his odd reasoning ... everything. I enjoyed every single moment of our date. Turns out that when he's spontaneous, he's very much far from that intimidating bad boy roaming the school hallways. Turns out that when he's carefree for real, he's such a goofy and funny boy, one that's clearly trying to make an impression, but that only makes him even cuter.

In the end, I came to the conclusion that Eric Rivers is both. Hot and sexy and irresistible with his mystery halo, but also cute and lovely and adorable, well, only when he wants to be that. I might sin of arrogance, but I am pretty sure I might be the only one that's ever seen this carefree side of him. And I love it. Truly.

When we got out of the restaurant, we decided we'd take a walk, also because there was to digest the huge dinner our lovely waitress brought us. She didn't even let us order. Just as we sat down and she came to us, she perfectly knew we were a couple at their very first date, so she told us to enjoy the night and she'd think of meals and everything. When a calm low and romantic tune filled the small room, I realized she meant everything in every detail.

For a moment I thought it was all settled, that she was in cahoots with my date to make everything perfect, but Eric assured me that while he knew the place, he'd never brought any girl here, so he barely knew the old lady as well. Maybe she was just charmed by him just as much as I was, just as much as the girl at the cash register, the old lady's grandniece, apparently, was.

The girl ogled my date with envious eyes, but other than glare at me or something, she grinned, winking, like congratulating with me for the good catch. I just smiled shyly as I, as oddly naturally as ever, let my hand slide in Eric's, feeling my heart skip a beat but also smile as he squeezed it.

We walked in silence for a while, it was all so romantic, I mean, we were walking in the park, but since it was pretty late, there wasn't anyone. Actually, I couldn't help but notice that the places we went were all clear of people we might knew ... could it be that ...

"Eric?" I called, breaking the silence. He was walking with his hands stuffed in his pockets, a few inches away from me, while I was trying to keep a moderate pace, just not to be too slow.

You could say I still felt nervous about all the thing, I mean, for as much as it's been an incredible night, it still was my very first date and ... well, with Eric. Even though, it felt all natural. I just had to adjust to this new situation for some aspects.

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