Chapter 3 - He scares me,ok?

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A/N: I haven't really pictured anybody as these characters,but just to give you an idea,am trying to come up with a cast. While,looking,I found the perfect bad boy... so... on the side -------------> Eric


Alright, now, where is he? I was in front of the school, trying to tell which one was Eric’s car, but my peers seem to have all a passion for the same models, so all the cars around were similar. I kept looking, hoping that people would run off soon, so there would remain only one car, which would be the right one.


A male husky voice startled me. I turned around to see Eric looking down at me, literally down, because I’m not short, but he’s frighteningly tall, like … 6’2 at least, while I stop at 5’8, which makes me slightly out of the average, but still enough shorter than him to feel little. Kyle is the same as him anyway, maybe an inch or two shorter, something like that.

"Left. It’s the one on the left."

Eric told me, hinting at a bluish Jeep. I just nodded and he walked past me, his backpack hanging on his toned shoulder.


He ordered. Like a lost puppy, I shyly followed him to his car and hopped on when he told me to. I swear, normally I’m not this coward, but he scares me. Really.

" Where is it?"

Eric asked, that harsh hint in his voice that characterizes him and that makes me feel powerless, negatively powerless, like … “oh, my God, he’s going to kill me!”. Sometimes his voice does come out as killer voice actually, but then I’ll admit it’s quite sexy too … ok, stop, Natalie, you’re drooling over the wrong guy. Kyle, yeah, Kyle is better. Oh, his voice is so sweet … lovely. And that smile … here we go again, I let my mind wander in lala land, daydreaming of my marvelous and hot crush, of how would he walk up to me and ask me to be his girlfriend, or even better, we’re working on that project and suddenly he comes closer and …


Eric yelled, throwing me back to reality, right when Kyle was about to touch my lips … not fair.

"You’ve got some sort of mental problem or what?"

Eric asked, well, implied. I frowned.

"Or you’re partially deaf, because all the times I talk to you, you don’t even hear me."

He continued.

"Maybe I just don’t bother your words."

Oh, my God, what have I just said?? He’s gonna throw me out of the car, I’ll be lucky if I don’t die but certainly I’ll get multiple bones broken and I’ll need physiotherapy sessions till next year and I’ll miss the prom and the graduation and maybe I won’t be able to walk properly again and … ok, I’m speaking nonsense. Eric’s eyes snapped to me for a moment before he turned to the road again.

"I-I’m sorry … I … didn’t … I was …"

I expected him to bark, hiss, huff and puff and tear me apart, because nobody talks to him like that, but, really surprising me and nearly freaking me out, Eric just laughed.

"You’re a tough one, aren’t you?"

He commented. I arched an eyebrow, confused. He admired my nerve? So wasn’t going to make me paralyzed for the rest of my life? Normally one gets beaten up just for looking at him sideways, now I talk back at him and he just laughs? Oh, maybe he sees me as some sort of clown. Yeah, probably.

"Now, which one is it?"

He asked, hinting at the outside. Oh, we’d already reached the place. I pointed at the little café on his side and he nodded then told me, no, ordered me, because everything that comes out of that mouth if it’s not an order certainly sounds like it, to get out and he’d reach me in a minute. I did as he said and walked to the familiar place. Once I entered I was immediately greeted by the soft scent of fresh baked cakes and coffee. Personally I don’t like coffee, but the smell of the beans is one of my favorites, although not even close to the one of fresh cut grass and, especially, books. The smell of books is by far my favorite.

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