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two years later

THERE IS SOMETHING uniquely beautiful about standing in the crowd at a concert when you know you were the inspiration behind the music everyone else is singing along to. It's been two years of absolute madness, and every single time, I get the same thrill I got the first time I stood in the crowd and watched Greyson take the stage.

Absolute magic.

Except now he's singing to thousands of people in one of the world's most famous stadiums, and not a club with a few hundred people there for the vibe and excitement of a new artist. It never gets old, and I don't think it ever will. My grin widens when the next song starts and he leans into the microphone, his angelic voice carrying across the sea of people.

"Robyn, baby," he says, searching the crowd of faces. "This one's for you. Thank you for being there every single step of the way. I love you."

"I love you!" I scream back, despite knowing he'll never hear me. It doesn't matter though. I can see the look on his face as it fills the two large screens on either side of the stage. He knows. I make sure he knows every single time he steps onto the stage, that through thick and thin, I'm his. And he reminds me every time he steps onto stage, and dedicates this very song to me, every single time, that he's mine too.

"And to think he almost let you go," Emmy says, leaning into me from the protected area designated specifically for family and friends. "What an idiot."

"He has his moments," I snicker, nudging her with my elbow. "Let me see that ring again," I say, playing grab hands to see the sparkling diamond on her finger. She holds her hand out to me without hesitation, a bright smile lighting up her face when her boyfriend, who recently graduated to fiancée wraps his arms around her from behind, resting his chin on top of her head. "Could you two get any cuter?"

"Probably," Emmy says with a small laugh, bringing her hand back to rest over his forearm as she leans into his sturdy frame. It's hard to believe that just two years ago, things had been so different. Emmy had lost all hope in love until a stubborn firefighter walked into her life and changed that, shortly after Greyson and I finally found our way to each other.

While both of our paths were incredibly messy, we got our heads screwed on straight and figured out how to make it work. I eventually agreed to move back into Greyson's apartment, that was now ours, though he denies it was ever just his, even before we became a thing, saying that it was never a home until I was there. And with a sell like that, I have no idea how I ever managed to spend a single semester living in the dorms. A commitment I promised to keep to my mom, though I spent more nights at his apartment than I ever did my dorm. Not that it's something she ever needs to know about.

We had our missteps in the beginning, but we eventually figured it out and I couldn't be happier to have him in my life. Fame and all. Though becoming the girlfriend of a world-famous musician has been an adjustment I had to make fast, especially after Greyson and Jonas' debut single went viral and sent them into complete and utter stardom. Since then, it's been concerts across the world, red carpets, magazine covers and award shows.

Somedays are harder than other, but then I get to stand in the crowd and watch the man I love do the thing he loves, and it's suddenly all worth it. Despite the distance we sometimes have to endure, he makes all of the hardships worth it, because when we're together, nothing else seems to matter. It's just the two of us, and it's my favorite part. Getting to be us.

He is my whole world.

"There she is!" Greyson grins widely when he steps off the stage, his hair slick from sweat as he runs to greet me. "Hi," he mutters against my lips before cupping my cheek to kiss me firmly. When he pulls back, a smile is left on my face that I can't seem to wipe off.

"Hi," I say and step into him, not caring that his entire chest is wet from sweat thanks to the beating stage lights. I quickly discovered rule number one in dating a rock star is getting used to the sweat, and it was a rule I caught onto pretty quickly. "You were incredible out there."


I nod my head and lean back from him, tilting my head to meet his eyes and the fire that fills them when he looks at me. "You always are. I'm in complete and utter awe of you."

He smiles and tangles his fingers with mine behind my back, resting our hands on the small of my back as he pulls me forward. "None of it matters without you."

"Good thing I'm right here then."

"I'd like it better if you'd let me put a ring on your finger."

A teasing grin widens on my face. We've had this conversation before, and it's not that I don't want it. I want it more than everything, because Greyson's it, he's my person, but I made a promise to myself that I would finish university first and he knows that's what I want. He happily agreed that he was fine with waiting as long as I wanted to wait, as long as I was his to come home to, but it doesn't stop him from reminding me every chance he gets that he will marry me hell or high water.

"You can," I tell him, squeezing his fingers. "As soon as I graduate."

"As soon as you graduate?" he asks, a mischievous smile creeping up to rest on his gorgeous face. "Meaning I can meet you on stage as soon as they hand you your degree?"

"Okay, maybe not that soon," I say, biting back a smile.

"Nope, you said as soon as you graduate," he says, his thumb running over the spot where a ring will one day rest. "I'm doing it the second they move that string on your hat."

"Tassel," I tell him and scrunch my nose up. "And no, you are not."


"No buts! You have to wait. At least a week."

"I make no promises," he says and leans down, kissing me again. "I love you."

I smile at him, feeling every edge of contentment I've had in the last two years. "I love you," I tell him and untangle our hands to wrap my arms around his shoulders. "Always have."

"Always will."

* * *

author's note
Happy Holidays, my love!
This is epilogue is far overdo, but at the time, I hadn't felt like it needed one but with Intertwined and the rewrite of I See You (soon to be In Your Eyes), I thought it was only right I finish out the story with something a little extra, and what better than a present to thank ya'll for all the support over the years. It truly means the world to me.

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