chapter two

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THE SUN IS starting to set as I step outside, leaving streaks of orange and pink in the sky as I walk back in the direction of my car. I'm trying to rack my brain for a solution to my current situation, but everything that I think of, seems equally as insane as the last.

"Robyn!" Isla runs to catch up, grabbing my arm before I can take another step. "What the hell is going on?"

"They don't have a room."

"What?" she asks as my phone vibrates in my back pocket. A groan falls from my lips as I reach for it, suspecting it's my mom calling already, but my heart settles when I finds the goofy photo of Stevie lighting up my screen with her call.

"Hey Vee," I say, bringing the phone to my ear. "You are not going to believe my day."

"I was just about to say the same thing," she says with a laugh. "What happened?"

"Well, I am presently homeless," I say as my eyes dart to Isla. A part of me thinks this is all a nightmare, and I'll wake up tomorrow and still be in my bed in Malibu. The other part is knowing that right now, my best, and possible only option is making the commute. It's not the end of the world, but it's also the end of the world.

"What does that mean?" Stevie asks. "I thought you were moving into the dorms today?"

A snicker falls from my lips as I pull the phone from my ear, setting it to speaker phone so Isla can hear too. "Oh, I thought so too. It turns out my paperwork got lost in their system and they don't have a room for me, so I'm kind of screwed. I'm going to have to sleep in my car," I explain before the realization hits and my head starts to spin. "Oh God, I'm going to have to sleep in my car."

"You are not," Isla argues. "You can just stay with me until they get your room sorted."

"Isla, I'm not about to get you into trouble."

"They have to put you up somewhere!" Stevie argues over the phone. "How can they not have any extra rooms?"

"She said they're at full capacity," I tell her, hiding behind my hand. "What am I supposed to do? I can't call my mom. It's only going to prove I can't do this on my own, which is the exact opposite of the point I'm trying to make."

Isla looks at me with sad eyes, just as lost as I am when Stevie's voice hangs between us. "I mean... you're not completely out of options," she offers. "There is Greyson."

"Greyson... your brother, Greyson?" I ask as if I know another Greyson she'd be offering me up to. I try to ignore the flutter that fills my stomach knowing that her eldest brother lives in Los Angeles, full-time and the first boy that ever made me stupid.

I didn't think being boy crazy was possible, but Greyson crazy was definitely a thing, and I was absolutely a victim of it.

"Would he be up for that?" Isla asks when she sees me fall silent.

"I don't see why he wouldn't be," Stevie says. "He's barely home as it is, and he's got an empty room. Just sit tight, okay, Robby? I'll call him and see what he says."

"I seriously love you."

"I love you, too," she says. "You too, Isla! I'll call you back, okay?"

"Love you, too, Vee," Isla says.

I'm about to end the call when I remember she had called me. "Wait, you had something to tell me."

"Oh, it's not important. Don't worry about it," she says and before either of us can argue, she hangs up and I'm left to my own devices. I chew my bottom lip as I look at Isla, knowing I should probably stay put, but Greyson's apartment isn't that fair from the UCLA campus and I've been there before. Enough times, that I know how to get there now.

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