chapter thirty

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IT'S EASY TO get lost in conversation with all my friend, losing hours of time just talking to each other about our lives. We've been apart for so long that we've been missing out on the day to day of our lives, and when we're together, I suddenly remember that I don't see Stevie and Isla everyday anymore. With everything going on, we barely have time to call each other.

"Just a few more weeks, right?" Stevie asks, leaning into Felix's Jeep as she looks between me and Isla. "Our first semester is almost over and then we'll all be back together in Malibu for Christmas break."

"Can't get here sooner," I say as I step into her embrace, opening my arm to wave Isla over. There's a grin on her face as she squeezes herself between the two of us, wrapping her arms around us as we sway in our steps. "I'm going to miss you."

"Me too," Isla says, squeezing my arm as we step out of the embrace. "It's just a few more weeks. We can do a few more weeks."

"Yeah," Stevie agrees. "We've got this."

I sigh as I nod my head slowly. "Are you sure you can't just stay here with us? Who needs Felix anyway?"

"I heard that," Felix says from the driver's seat as my lips curl up.

"You know we love you, Felix," I say. "We just love Vee more."

"Well, I can't argue with that," Felix says, leaning back into his seat as Stevie shakes her head at the two of us. They worked hard for over a year to make the distance in their relationship work, I can't blame them for not wanting there to be an inch between them now.

"Drive safe, okay?" I ask, looking at Stevie.

"We will," she assures me, pulling us both back into a tight embrace. "I love you."

"I love you, too," I say at the same Isla does, the three of us grinning at each other. "Bye Felix," I say, stepping toward he door to wave toward him.

"See you, Robby."

I wave in their direction, closing the passenger door before turning to Isla as she approaches her car. "I'll see you later?" I ask.

She nods. "Be good."

"When am I not?" I ask, digging my keys out of my purse as I take a step back.

"Almost always," she says, giving me a pointed look. "Remember to talk to him."

"I will," I say as I open my driver's door and slide in, pulling out after Isla. My chest gets tighter with every passing light, knowing I'm closer to getting home and having Greyson all to myself.

"Grey?" I call out when I get home, unlocking the apartment door to step inside. I lean onto my foot and follow the line down the hallway towards the living room before exhaling when I don't see him right away as I turn and shut the door behind. I barely turn the lock on the door when I feel Greyson's hand on my waist, moving his hand over my hip.


My lips curl up as I turn around, moving my arms loosely around his shoulders. "Hi."

He leans into me, pressing his lips against mine softly, causing everything else to fade away as he pulls me tight against his chest. A small hum falls from my lips as he picks me up, carrying me down the hall towards the living room. When he sets me back on my heels, a small laugh falls from my lips as I tangle my fingers through his hair, leaning back.

"I've been wanting to do that since I left."

"Just can't get enough of me, can you?" I ask.

"I am not ashamed to say yes to that," he says as he pulls out one of the kitchen chairs, taking a seat in it before holding his hands out for me. "Have I ever mentioned how gorgeous you are?"

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