9. Lies, Lies, Lies 🌶️

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Lies. Lies. Lies.

That was what my mind was screaming as the words left my lips. I had never been with anyone before, let alone have done any of the things James mentioned but, oh my goodness, did I want them.

Or, at least, I wanted to try them to see if they sounded as hot as he made them out to be.

Still, I had no clue why I lied. Well, other than being fed up with always being underestimated and treated like a fragile little thing. I was no longer a child. At twenty-two, I didn't need to be sheltered from everything and everyone, and certainly not from my mate.

What I hadn't expected was the reaction that my lies stirred in him. Suddenly, I found myself backing up when he invaded my space, until I hit the edge of his desk and I had nowhere else to go.

For a split second, my mind wondered whether he would push me to lie on top of it and then do even a fraction of the things I read about in my books. The dampness between my legs was like never before. I had fantasised about being with a man before, and I had attempted to give myself one of those mind-blowing orgasms everyone talked about, but they were always... lacking. It felt nice, I couldn't deny that, yet it was always over too quickly and the satisfaction was not quite as satisfying, as silly as that sounded.

I needed someone to show me. To teach me. I needed someone to destroy me with amazing sex, and now that I had found my mate, I didn't want anyone else to do that but him. And boy, was I sure that it would be unforgettable because just his words alone now, as lewd and wicked as they sounded, were causing this pressure to build between my legs, an ache to be touched, that needed to be released.

"Tell me then, little wolf, how many men have you been with?" He moved closer, forcing me to lean backwards.

His tone was no longer playful. It sounded rather like he wanted to destroy something. 

Or someone. My imaginary lovers, to be specific.

"It's not appropriate for me to discuss this." I tried my best to get out of the situation.

"Of course, you are a good girl, after all," he countered.

Good girl–the words sparked something in me when he praised me for listening to him back at the clearing, but right now, I hated hearing them. I didn't want to be Lili or a good girl. I wanted to be a woman ravaged by her mate.

"I'm not a good girl."

"Are you a good little slut, then?" Oh goddess, why did this send my core into overdrive? "You want me to ruin you? Screw you so hard and rough that you aren't be able to walk properly for days?"

Yes, yes, yes. Was what I wanted to say, but all I could do was swallow hard the desire that was burning inside me. Because as badly as I wanted this–him–I also knew that he was avoiding talking about our mate bond.

Surely how experienced I was or wasn't didn't matter if we were mates.

"Tell me, Lili, what would a dirty girl like you do right now then? Hypothetically, of course. I want to hear it."

Panic rushed through me–he was definitely going to know what I was lying because I had no idea what to say.

Why the hell did I lie, damn it?

Okay, relax, Nat–you can do this. You've read enough spicy novels, just channel your inner heroine.

"Well?" He looked at me expectantly, calling me out for my lack of response.

Goddess, this was either going to be good or terrible, but either way, I had to say something.

Pushing myself from the desk, which caused him to move back as well, I reached for the buttons of his shirt so that I could fiddle with them as I spoke.

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