37. Feral

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Fear hung like a noose around my neck as I bolted from the cottage, every fibre of my being screaming Natalia's name. She was out there, her life in danger, and here I was, miles away from her, with no way to protect her. Rage and fear surged through me with each pounding beat of my heart.

Fuck, how could I have let this happen?

My feet hit the ground like thunder as I lunged towards the car, fighting for every painful gulp of air.

"James," Max called, Rai following close behind him. "What's going on?"

"It's Ronan." The name stuck in my throat like a rotten piece of meat. "He's behind the ferals. And Natalia is with him."

Max's face paled, disbelief written across his face. "Ronan? As in Councillor Ronan? You're sure?"

"Of course I am fucking sure. Do you think I'd be tearing through here like a lunatic if I wasn't?"

"Shit," Rai gasped, her eyes widening in shock. "How did you find out? And where is she?"

"Doesn't matter how I found out." Frustration boiled within me at the precious moments being wasted. The thought of Natalia, alone with that venomous snake, made bile rise in my throat. "She's meeting him at Loch Fyne. We have to get there now."

My gaze locked on the damn café across the loch, where she would have been safe with me by her side. "I need to get her out before..." My voice trailed off, unwilling to give voice to the dark possibilities.

"Let's go then." Max said, steel in his tone.

Without another word, we piled into the car and sped off, my every nerve strained to breaking point. The world blurred outside the window—nothing but a smear of colour streaking past us—as we raced against time to save Natalia.

"We'll find her, Alpha," Max said from the backseat, his steady voice cutting through my spiral. "We won't let anything happen to her."

I clenched my jaw, struggling to find the words to express everything that was going on inside my head.

We had to find her. I had to save her. Nothing else mattered.

The car screeched to a halt outside the café. From the outside, you wouldn't know a thing was wrong. Laughter spilled out from the open door, an ordinary afternoon for everyone else, as if mocking the dread that gripped my insides.

"Fuck." The place was packed. I couldn't barge in without causing a scene.

Aron prowled inside me, itching for action, but I had to keep him leashed. One wrong move could cost Natalia her life, not to mention the havoc it would cause amongst humans.

"I'll go in." Rai seemed to read my mind. "Less conspicuous."

Max nodded in agreement. "And I'll circle around back, check the perimeter."

Before I could respond, Natalia's scent hit me, tainted by terror. Instantly, my attention shifted towards the forest.

"Go—I'll look for her in the woods. Let's keep each other in the loop." It was more of an order than a suggestion. "If you find anything... anything at all..."

"We'll let you know straight away." Her eyes were fierce and determined, but I knew her worry was boiling beneath the surface, just like mine.

I clapped her shoulder and gave Max a curt nod. Their faith that it was going to be okay was my anchor in the storm. The same storm I was about to step into.

Bring her back. Max's voice echoed in my mind, his words laden with concern. I'd known my mate was liked among the Red Tails, but it wasn't until she left that I realised how deeply she'd woven herself into the fabric of our skulk, how attached everyone had become to her.

For Fox's Sake (#3, Completed)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant