34. Disconnected

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The ground beneath my feet cracked and broke apart. I stared at her, shell-shocked. Her eyes were wide, filled with confusion and pain, her voice echoing shockwaves deep in my soul and splintering my sense of reality like a lightning bolt.

"I can't feel you," she repeated, panic rising with each syllable.

A low growl escaped from Aron, our shared distress at her words fogging my mind, blocking out coherent thought. Even as I kept my gaze on her, I felt as if I were falling, the edges of my vision blurring as I grappled to understand her statement.

"What do you mean?"

Her delicate brow creased as she continued to stare at the mossy floor. She trembled, her hands flying to her chest in a vain attempt to still her ragged breath. "I just don't feel you. Your feelings and emotions. Nothing. Not as an Omega, not through our bond. Nothing. It's dead silent. Empty."

Sounds grew distant, and a roaring overtook my ears. A jolt, sharp and unforgiving, ran through my veins, leaving my mind in a dizzying swirl.

What the hell was going on?

The confusion and doubts within me were like a dark vortex, swallowing any semblance of comprehension. We had just fucking got rid of Kerrin, but instead of everything finally looking up, I was drowning once again, a torrent of unanswerable questions pulling me under.

"I don't understand." I forced out the words, my throat constricting. "How is this possible?"

She shook her head, her expression pained. "I don't know. It's like something inside me has gone numb."

A cold sweat formed on the back of my neck. Instinctively, I reached out to her through our bond, to push all the reassurance I could through it, but it was like trying to grasp a wisp of smoke, insubstantial and elusive. Desperate, I looked at her again, praying to see a hint of reaction on her face, but only the painful truth mirrored back.

Fuck, fuck, fuck.

This couldn't be happening. It couldn't be real.

Was it possible for an Omega and her mate to lose their bond? It was supposed to be unbreakable, a sacred connection that only the Moon Goddess could sever.

And yet, here we were, facing an impossible reality.

"Can it... can it be fixed?" A tight knot in my throat choked my question.

"I don't know." She bit her lip, struggling to keep her voice steady. "I just... I can't feel you. I can't feel anything. It's like I'm disconnected."

She knelt on the forest floor, her fingers digging into the soft earth as if seeking some tangible reality in the midst of this twisted nightmare that I was desperate to wake up from. The sight of her in such despair felt like a gut punch, leaving me reeling.

Disconnected...or severed? The unspoken question lingered, casting a sinister shadow over us.

Time seemed to stretch into eternity with each agonising second that passed. My breath hitched, the pounding of my heart the only sound that filled my senses.

Despite the terror gnawing at me, I took another slow breath and pushed all the emotions that were threatening to overwhelm me aside. Instead, I focused on my mate and the threads that tethered us to each other ever since we completed the mating. It wasn't as strong as before, yet I could feel the soft hum of her life force. It was a quiet and steady rhythm, faint but present.

Our mate bond was still there, and that alone gave me hope, even if I had no clue what the issue was.

"We'll fix this, little wolf." I pulled her into my arms, doing my best to feign confidence. "I will find a way."

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