1. Death is not the opposite of Life

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Hey everyone!!!! Thank you for choosing to read this story. I am kind of scared that people might not like it but it's not gonna stop me from writing! I hope you enjoy Ilene's story as much as I will enjoy to write her.

FYI, the dress above is how I imagine Ilene's funeral dress.


I smiled as I took in the bright environment around us. It was days like this when I was wished they would go on forever. The exquisite smell of lilacs that had grown near the stable made me forget about the animals that were behind me. I watched as the trees were swaying slowly as if they were dancing to a secret song and I closed my eyes and breathed in the fresh air. It was so peaceful. I wished that I could be out here forever.

"YOU NEVER LISTEN TO ME!" Phillip shouted as he walked from beside to in front of me. I looked at him and glared. I guessed that meant my peaceful moment was over. His green eyes looked into mine like he was expecting me to say something. The stable boys who were taking care of the horses stopped to look at us and I rolled my eyes at them. They quickly went back to working before I dragged Phillip out of the stable.

"You do know that you have to conduct yourself in places like these. Everyone here is a gossip. Do you want word to get out that you have no respect for your princess? It won't help since everyone is expecting us to wed." I told Phillip as he started to change his face to his poker face. I frowned but he bowed down to me. I was going to question it but I found two stable boys looking in our direction. I sighed in frustration. Why wouldn't people mind their own business? It was after two minutes that Malik brought our horses. He came to us with a mischievious smile. It always looked good on him, with his hazel eyes twinkling and his black hair falling into his face.

"I heard that husband and wife are fighting." He said with a grin.

"That is not funny." I told him.

"It really is not. Ilene and I decided not to marry. You know this." Phillip said this as he grabbed his horse's reins.

"I do. But it always fun to make fun of you two, especially Phillip." He said as he winked at Phillip and Phillip imitated puking.

Malik came to me to help me up my horse even though I didn't need any help. But I was a princess so sadly I had to act the royal way. Even horse riding was not a female sport but I didn't care. My father allowed it even though the council did not. My horse, Winter, started to trot into the gardens which Phillip stayed behind me making sure I didn't fall. I never knew how a woman could sit with her legs on one side of the horse. I always felt as if I was losing balance. As soon as we got away from the eyes of judgement, I lifted my dress up and put my leg on the other side of my horse. I nudged Winter in the side to gallop and we left Phillip in the dust. We ran through the gardens and jumped over fences. We ended up at the abandoned side of the garden.

I peered at it. I had only been in it once and that was because my father had banned me from entering it. It was my mother's garden. After she died, no one had bothered to tend to it. The roses and clematises had grown and spiraled around the fence. I always felt like the garden called to me but I would never dare to enter. I had never disobeyed my father and I wasn't planning to anytime soon. I had tried to plead with him but he had cut our conversation short. It was not long before Phillip joined me. But as soon as he caught up with me, Winter and I ran back and I laughed at his shouts of complaints. Malik was waiting to tend to our horses once I reached the stables.

"And the princess wins again!" Malik announced and I cheered. Phillip came later with a pout and Malik made fun of him as he always did. The laughing stopped once we saw my father come into view from the castle. We all bowed but afterwards I ran to him and hugged him.

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