7. The Beginning of a New Chapter

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I was about to enter the carriage before Lykos shouted, "Wait!"

I paused before the carriage door, wondering what he might want to tell me. I was actually a little bit glad that I wouldn't have to see their ugly faces for a few weeks. I was glad that I was going to be away from all this craziness. Whatever evil they were going to do I didn't want to be near it. I knew I sounded like a coward but what could I do? The council and Eric wanted me to save Astraea and I knew I couldn't do it.

"Do you have something important to tell me? If not, I must be off. " I told him once he got to me. I was tired of pretending I liked him. I just hoped Kakon empire wasn't really savage, enough that I would survive in his kingdom.

"I just wanted to tell you to watch your back. Don't talk to anyone except Saurus. He's my father's advisor." he said as he held onto my hands.

"Very well. I must leave....." Before I did anything Lykos kissed me before I finished my sentence. I kissed him back quickly so that he could leave me alone.

"Don't forget what I've told you, okay?" He said and I rolled my eyes. He looked at me angrily but he turned around and spotted his father watching us from afar. I walked into the carriage quickly and sat down. My footman bowed to me and got on the carriage. Some part of me was excited. I had never been anywhere beside Perania. I knew my fun wouldn't be long because Lykos would come back to his kingdom so that we could get married. I tried not to think about my friends that I had lost hope in seeing them. I looked around my home for the last time. The beautiful gardens I played in, my beautiful horse Winter, my mother's garden and the castle walks with my father. I watched as the guards in the North gate bowed at me as we passed the gates. Everyone looked rigid, like they knew something was going to happen once I left.

I sighed as I watched the nature around us. The capital city was down from the castle. It looked like there were a few buildings burning! "Wait, stop the carriage!" I shouted. No one listened. "I said stop this carriage!" The footman continued on like I didn't say a thing. I tried to open the door but it was locked. I tried to smash the window but I ended up hurting my elbow. A purple glow came from the window and I gasped. There was magic at the window! All the relief I was feeling disappeared. What were they doing to the capital????!!!!! I tried to kick at the door and the window but only ended up bruising myself more.

I sighed as the carriage took me in the opposite direction of the capital. I should have fought more. I should have done something. Now my people were going to suffer because of me. Instead of trying to save my life, I should have been trying to look for the meaning of the prophecy and help my friends. They were probably dead because of me. In my sorrows, I saw a flicker of a bunch of glowing light things. When the light got near the window, I gasped. They were the pixies I met in the magical forest. They waved at me. When one of them tried to touch the window, he got electrocuted and fell. I gasped and tried to see the ground where he fell to, but I couldn't see any of them.

The sound of thunder and the sight of smoke made me scream as lightning hit the carriage. The carriage didn't fall over or burn as I expected it too. It stood still. There was an unnerving silence for a minute before I could hear fighting outside the carriage, I couldn't see a thing since the smoke was thick around me. After five minutes of sitting in the carriage, someone with a mask came to the door with a glowing green hand. He opened it easily and I backed away. He had a scary wolf mask on that made me scream. I punched him in the face and tried to back away as much as possible.

"Did you get stronger or something?" A voice I recognized asked and I gasped. I watched as he removed the mask and I squealed in delight.

"You came!" I said as I hugged Malik tightly.

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