6. Lost Hopes

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"The prince requires your presence your highness." The maid said and I removed my blanket from my head and peaked out to see the maid standing right by my bed. I groaned and turned over.

"Right now?" I asked. Lykos always called me everyday just to spend time with me. It was agonizing but at least he was being nice for once. He had tried told me that beating up Laura was a mistake and that he couldn't control it and I wasn't sure if I believed him or not. He was probably trying to get into my good graces. Sadly it was working.

"Yes princess." The maid answered and I got out of bed. Two weeks had passed and it wouldn't be long before I got shipped to Kakon. Phillip was still in the dungeon and no one had heard from Malik. I had lost hope that he would be back or that I would see him or Phillip again. I tried to like Lykos. There was nothing else I could do. I dressed in a black and red revealing dress. He said I looked good in these colors but wearing black meant something different for me. It meant death and it disgusted me. Also the whole dress had my back showing. It was uncomfortable but I didn't complain. Hopefully Lykos would let his guard down and I could exploit the chance if I got it.

I walked out of the castle to find him in the garden staring at our roses. Once he saw me he plucked one and gave it to me. I thanked him for it. We walked in silence but after twenty minutes I stopped. I tried to take my chances again as I did everyday. "Why are we doing this?"

"Doing what?" He asked.

"Walking around aimlessly in the garden." I said.

He let out a breath of anger before looking at me with fury? distress? I didn't know. "You should be grateful that you're going to be part of something bigger."

"What does that mean?" I asked. He was always beating around the bush not getting straight to the point. Some of his sentences almost sounded like proverbs. He walked towards me and grabbed my hand.

""You know little wife you ask me too many questions." he said as he started putting pressure to my hand. The wolf was coming out and I needed to retreat or I would get hurt. I smiled at him before placing a hand on his cheek. He let go of my arm.

"I'm sorry." I said as I leaned up to kiss him. His eyes were red but I after kissed him he was back to normal. I looked away and frowned. I had been trying to get information from him but every time I did I would get hurt. I sighed. How was I going to escape any time soon?


I was to leave in two days. Whatever Attor and Anastacia were doing they didn't want me here for it. I decided to write letters to Phillip and Malik. I was contemplating on whether I should give the letters to the maid or Louisa. I had heard that she had finally woke up but she wasn't allowed to leave her room, so the maid had told me. I sat down by my desk and finally wrote down on how much I missed them and where I was going. I wanted to tell Malik about Lykos and his father being shifters but I couldn't in case the letter got in the wrong hands.

I heard a knock on my door. I allowed them to come in and when I saw who it was I ran to hug her. "You're well!" I said excitedly as Louisa walked in.

"Yes." she said sadly.

"I frowned. "What happened?"

"I have been sentenced to death for assaulting the prince." She said and I immediately got mad.

"I am going to have a word with Lykos. There is no way you're dying..."

"It's okay. I knew this would happen once I hit him. All I am grateful for is for serving you, Ilene."

"Louisa...." I said sadly. I tried not to cry for her sake. Everyone that was close to me was disappearing or dying and there's nothing I could do about it. I sighed then looked at her. "Has anyone heard from Malik?"

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