Chapter 19

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I stared at the file in blank shock. Heavens, no wonder they didn't want to tell me. They faced the man of my nightmares. They went through my hell. 

Trembling, I put the file back on the desk and lifted my gaze to Hargin and her stern features. "We're at war."


"Because of me?"

The Commander paused, watching me closely before answering. "Partly. It was bound to happen at some point. You're the catalyst Sylus needed. How is your training going?"

I couldn't think of that right now. My mind was racing of what I was going to say to my brother, how I was going to apologise then hold him. "Um, fine? I dunno."

"Annalyse informed me that you are a competent fighter. She thinks it's time for you to learn about your magic," she said, forcing me to think of other things. The tone of her voice made it sound imperative that I listen to her and not the thoughts in my head. "I think we should discuss finding you a teacher."

"Sure." How could she expect me to focus on anything at a time like this? It was official: we were at war. And I'd played a big part in starting it.

She kept going. "Smith said Prince Leonidas gave you directions to another Bound rider. You and Annalyse will go to this rider and get the proper training you need--after your visit to Kain Castle. Prince Leonidas wants to speak with you before you depart."

I swallowed. "When?"

"Tonight. You may go."

My movements felt heavy, as if I was moving under water. Everyone was waiting for me outside the office. Annalyse was beside Jacob trying to calm him down while Grayson paced in front of them. Suddenly, I was in Jacob's arms, in the tightest hug he'd ever given me. "How much do you know?"

"I read your report." My voice was a rasp whisper. "I'm so sorry, Jacob. I didn't know."

"That was the point," he muttered in my hair. "You're safe. I'm not letting that bastard go anywhere near you."

"He has to go through both of us," Grayson added grimly. He couldn't stop pacing, chewing on his thumbnail. His eyes darted left to right as he plotted his plan of attack.

"Hargin wants me to focus on my training. Annalyse and I are leaving for Kain Castle then we're going to find the other storm dragon rider."

Annalyse unglued herself from the wall, shocked. "She actually listened to me?"

Grayson finally stopped pacing and looked at me, alarmed.  "You're leaving the kingdom? When?"

I shrugged, wiping my eyes. I hadn't realised I was crying until Jacob pulled away to look at me; he wiped my tears off my cheeks with his thumbs. "Tonight."

"Just you and Annalyse?" Jacob was heartbroken; his face was contorted in anguish. How could the Commander keep us apart, especially so far away, with no telling when I'd be back--or if I'd see him again.  Who knew what she was going to get him to do while I was gone? "I'm going to talk to the Commander." Jacob turned for her office. Unlike me, he had the decency to knock.

Not knowing what to do with myself, I peered over to see what Grayson was doing. He was pacing and plotting again, clearly distressed about this whole situation. Understandably so. He'd had a tough week.

Annalyse took my hand. "Come on. We have our orders; we have to get ready." Hearing her, Grayson snapped out of it and moved to follow, but Anna held her hand out to him. "Stay here. Wait for Jacob. He needs you."

His eyes narrowed on her, something persistently dark twisting inside them that would have left me fearful of my future, but when he looked at me, he held only concern and determination. "I'm not leaving you."

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