Chapter 27

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Lightning crackled violently, encircling my daggers in light. It fought against my command like a stubborn dog on a leash, but I fought back just as hard, holding it firmly in place. Sweat trickled down my temple and saturated my shirt; I couldn't tell if it was from the sun's heat or the intense concentration this "simple"--as Sasha had described it--task required of me. With each new bead of sweat, I felt my control slipping.

"Almost there. . ." Sasha was saying, eyes glued on her pocket watch. "Hold it, Eva."

I bit my tongue, using the pain to keep me focused on the electric charge in my hands--not the burn in my muscles or heavy fatigue weighing on my mind. 

"Two minutes!" Sasha cheered. "Now push--or not." She cut herself off when the lightning surged out of my grasp, passed Sasha's head, for the ocean. Thunder roared in its wake, shaking the rock I stood on.

"Damn it!"

I hadn't meant to let it go. For a split second, I let my excitement distract me. It was all the lightning needed to escape my grasp. Not only did I have to summon a thunder storm to the Storm Cove, I also had to rip lightning straight from the gods' hands--at least, that was what it felt like with all the effort I put into it--and then make it wrap around my dagger. "Simple," Sasha had said. "Just a moment's thought--or a snap of a finger, if you're feeling flashy. You'll catch on quickly."

That was months ago.  

She sighed, like she did every time she thought I was close, to only be disappointed in the end.

Frustrated, I kicked a pebble off my rock and watched it bounce off the waves. I pushed myself for months, physically and mentally--and this was all I had to show for it. A couple of minutes with a few flashy lights. What a rip off.

"Enough," Sasha commanded before I could kick another rock into the ocean. "Come on. Let's take a little break then we'll go back at it again." She made motions for me to follow her. We made it two steps then Bruce came into view. Panting, he stumbled to a complete stop at the base of the rock we stood on. He looked like he'd ran across the entire length of the beach to get to us in a timely manner. 

We practiced at the very tip of the cove so I wouldn't hurt anyone if I lost control. It was just as well, because I'd definitely fried a few fish in the reef during my time here. It was just unfortunate if someone wanted to contact us. 

"Sasha," he gasped between pants, "we need to talk."

She glared at him--everyone knew not to interrupt us while she was teaching. "What is it, Bruce? We're busy."

"There's a. . ." He stole a deep breath, standing up straight, then he was finally able to speak normally. "There's an intruder. He looks like a scout of some kind. Definitely trouble." 

Sasha made a noise of displeasure in the back of her throat. She glanced at me. "Stay here, Eva. I'll handle this."

"But-" Her glare shut me up. She only gave one warning; the next word I spoke would not bode well for me. I relented, reluctantly, with a nod.

Without a word, she followed Bruce back to the cave. 

Releasing a puff of air, I hopped between the rocks standing precariously out of the water until I reached the tallest one, jutting furthest away from the cove. This spot was the best one of all the places I'd found during my time here. It was strangely relaxing, despite how high up and how slanted it was. It might have something to do with how the waves crashed against the rock or maybe how I had a full view of the ocean in front of me and the desert behind. Or maybe it was none of those and I just liked how the top where I sat seemed to fit perfectly under my bum. 

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