Chapter 31

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We flew to Kain Castle. Jacob rode behind me while Grayson had the pleasure of keeping watch on Darius. He insisted on it.

The breeze felt so good in my hair, drying all the blood, easing all the aches. It felt even better to share it with my brother, to have him safe.

I'd thought my world had come crashing down, that I was going to lose yet another person I loved to Darius. I reigned in my emotions, though, kept my head on my shoulders, and got Jacob out alive.

Have we learned a valuable lesson? Arkon asked in my mind, feeling smug.

Whatever, you big lizard. I get it, all right? Think before I act.

That's all I ask.

The beautiful city of Lexxis glistened the colours of the sunset as we flew over it. The town wasn't as busy as it grew darker and darker; I assumed it was due to a curfew enforced to keep its citizens safe. The thought that these people didn't have to hide away in their homes anymore brought a smile to my face. I did this. I saved them from war and terror. It was what I was meant to do.

We landed beside the castle. The royal guard came running out, Captain Quade the first to approach the dragons. His eyes went wide on Jacob. "Greene? I thought you'd been. . . .  Smith, what's going on?" His baffled expression went from one Knight to the next, growing more and more confused.

Grayson tossed the still unconscious (we took turns knocking him out whenever he came to) Darius off Eran's back. He landed with a definitive thud at the Captain's feet. "Eva's brought King Renkon a present. Is he around?"

The captain didn't even look at me, eyes falling onto Darius' lump figure. "Congratulations, Smith. King Renkon will be very pleased. He will be summoned at once." He gestured back to his men, two of which ran back into the castle.

"Actually," Jacob said, sliding off Arkon, "it was Eva who did it." Good, I wasn't the only one who noticed he was giving Grayson credit. As much as I wanted to share the credit, I wanted to rub it in King Renkon's face more that I wasn't just some "volatile woman."

Captain Quade waved it off, securing Darius in chains.  "I'm sure she helped."

It was too bad it was dark; he couldn't see the death glare I pinned on him. 

"Jacob!" Prince Leonidas jogged out of the castle, dressed for a fancy dinner. "You're alive!" He was all set to hug my brother--until he saw me. He stopped dead, mouth falling open into a small O. "Eva. . . you're here."

"Of course I am. Who else is going to hand over Prince Darius to you?" I sassed. At least he would believe us when we said it was me.

"I'm sorry, what?" He snapped his head to Darius who was slowly coming to. Then a slow sensual smile crept up his mouth when he looked back to me. "Well, well, you've been busy, haven't you?"

Guards brought more torches, illuminating the courtyard we stood in, catching a glimmer of mischief in his eyes. . . which turned into desire as he took me in with the new light. "Hm-hmm. Nice tan. I should send you to the Desert Lands more often if you're going to turn out like this."

I crossed my arms, disappointed he was more into my new skin tone than of my latest acquisition. "Leo. You haven't seen me in months and I return with the man who's been pillaging your villages, and that's all you have to say?"

His eyes raked me in slowly, missing nothing; he might as well be mentally stripping me. "I don't think you realise how. . . delectable you've become. I hope you tanned evenly; I'll have to give you a proper inspection later. But I suppose a congratulations is in order as well."

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