12.Soap Gets Me

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"Ow, ow, ow, ow." Ghost had a tight grip on my arm as he dragged me through the halls and into the meeting room.

"Ah, good morning, YN." Price smiled.

"It's literally, night, look out the window. Ow."

Ghost put his hands on my shoulders and pushed  me down onto the chair.

Price let out a chuckle.

"Fucking hell, you could have gone easy on the girl, look at her cheek!"

"See, Soap gets me. Ease up on me, I'm delicate."

"You shouldn't have run then."

"Listen, if I see a chance, I'm taking it. Alls fair in love and war."

"There is no love and you are not at war with us." Ghost huffed.

"That's questionable."

"I think if we were all nicer to YN, she'd be more likely to stay."

"Exactly! Be nice to YN and let her go!" I nodded.

"Shut up."


"If that ever happens again, I'll make you wish I had killed you instead." Ghost glared at me.

"Do you know how many times I've heard that before? It's overused and cringe. Come up with some better threats."

"Ghost. Will you please escort YN to the showers before dinner?" Price put his fingers through his jeans belt hoops.

"You're still feeding her? After what she did?"

"It's the humane thing to do." I nodded and my stomach growled.

"We can't starve her, Ghost. Just take her to shower."

"Yeah, Ghost, take me to the showers."

"You don't get to speak to me."

"Aww, come on. You know you love me."

"Absolutely not."

"Why not!?"

"You're an annoying two."

"Again! Not a two! You think this is a two!? What kind of impossible standards do you have? Men!" I threw my hands up in defeat and rolled my eyes."

We finally made it to the showers and I slid down the walls bare skinned.

Damn it.

Those guys are pretty good.

I need to come up with a better plan.

But for now, keep up this stupid silly act.

They'll like you if you do.


I stood up and fiddled with the nob but the water stayed cold.

I could have sworn they had warm water last time.


"GHOST!" I screamed and threw the door open.

He was leaning against the wall and looked me up and down.

"You're naked."

"You turned the hot water off!"

"You don't deserve it."

"It's freezing in there!"

"To keep you from plotting you're next escape."

"Oh, fuck you! Turn it back on!"


"Do it!"

"N-O. No"

"You jackass!" I shut the door and screamed.

I need to get clean but this water feels like icicles are stabbing my skin!

I shivered and slowly stepped under the water.

It's freezing!


Which is his shampoo! I'm going to dump it down the drain!


What if he's bald?

There's only one shampoo in here.

I sighed in defeat and got to showering.

Finally, I turned the nob all the way and dried off before getting dressed.

I shivered as I opened the door and stormed passed Ghost.

"You seriously need your dick sucked. That'll pop the stick out of your ass."

Ghost x Reader: Looking Out For MeWhere stories live. Discover now