34. Please don't fight me

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"Come on."

"I thought I wasn't allowed down there."

"I said come on."

I followed him down the stairs and into the forbidden basement.

"What are we doing here?"

"We're gonna spar."

"What, why?"

Without a word, he turned and threw a punch.

I dodged and so we began.

I did pretty good.

I didn't die I mean.

I lasted for about 15 minutes.

I kicked Ghost but he dodged.

He caught my leg and pulled me closer.

He put a hand on my hip and the other hand behind my neck tightly.

I quickly realized what was happening.


I cried out in pain as his knee made contact with my stomach.

I fell to my knees and began coughing.

I coughed until I began to gag.

I gagged until I threw up.

I wanted to cuss him out.

I wanted to yell at him for what he did.

But there was no oxygen in my lungs.

I couldn't do more than gasp desperately.

I couldn't form any works.

I couldn't even mouth them.

"That's why we spar. So that doesn't happen in the field."

I gasped in response and touched my tender ribs.

He must have broken my ribs and punctured my lungs.

He has to have!

I can't even think.

Ghost squatted down to my height and entwined his fingers together.

"You're too cocky. You think to highly of yourself. That's why I was able to hurt you. Think about it. Maybe that'll knock you down a peg."

I moved away from my throw up and carefully laid on my back.

Ghost stood up and stepped on my bruised ribs, causing me to scream out in pain.

"Get use to it, YN. You have no choice."

"Fuck you, Ghost. I'm going to kill you, I fucking swear it."

"You're welcome to try."

I glared as uncontrollable tears ran down the sides of my face.

Ghost turned and walked up the stairs, closing the door after him.

I lifted my shirt and saw the bruises already started to form.

"ASSHOLE!" I shouted before going into a coughing fit.

Don't cry. Don't cry.

Makia would kill you if she knew a man made you shed a tear.

Get up.

Get the fuck up.

I shakily got to my feet and climbed up the stairs.

I pushed open the door and tried to hold back my limp.

Ghost was sipping his coffee at the dinning table.

I made my way upstairs and took my shirt, bra and pants off.

It hurt too much.

I laid on my back and glanced at budge who was still asleep in her sock nest.

Ghost walked in and paused when he saw me.

I ignored him and kept poking my purple ribs.

"Why are you always naked?"

I opened my mouth to answer him but then stopped when I remembered I was ignoring him.

"Here." He tossed something at me. I tried to catch it but it slipped through my fingers and hit my eye.

"OW! Fuck!" What the hell man?!"

"Not my fault you can't catch. Put that cream on. It'll help heal you faster."

"No thanks to you..."

"Pain is the best teacher."

"Get fucked."

I sat up and took a shower.

The water hurt my poor ribs.

I had to dry it off to put the cream on.

I'm sure he at least cracked my ribs.

I carefully laid in bed and tried to take a nap.

Fuck Simon.

(I have 80 chapters written, be proud of me my children.)

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