124. Get Out

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"I came to see how you were doing. Having one kid is no joke. Having two is amazing."

"Get out..." I whispered, my heart beating a million miles per hour.

"I just came to see how our babies are doing."

"Our? OUR babies!? You're insane! These are not OUR babies, they're Ghost and my babies! I'm calling the nurse!"

I went to push the button but Konig jumped up and grabbed me.

"No Meine Liebe. That would cut our time short. I'm just here to tell you it's not to late for me to adopt the twins and Kiara."

"GET OUT!" I shouted and my heart monitor was going crazy.

Konig turned and ran out of the room.

Nurses and Simon ran in and I was in tears.

YN! What's wrong!"

"Konig! Konig was here!"

"What!? Who the fuck let him in!?"

"He wants our babies! He wants to take them! We can't stay here!"

I tried to get out of the bed but I was pinned down by my husband.

"YN, calm down! It's okay! Everything is okay!"

"No! He wants to take our babies! Where are they!? WHERE ARE THEY!?"

"What the fuck is going on!?" Makia walked in.

"Ma'am, please wait outside!"

"That's my sister! What the fuck is happening!?"

"Konig is planning on kidnapping my babies!"

"Oh hell naw!" Stacy shouted and a commotion broke out among my friends.

Ghost hugged me and did his best to comfort me.

"It's alright. We'll make sure he doesn't come anywhere near the kids." He assured.

"Get us out of here, please!" I sobbed.

Price pulled some strings and got me transported to base.

"It's okay, YN. We have the base guarded 24/7." Price crossed his arms as I cradled my three babies in bed.

"This isn't how this was supposed to go. It's not supposed to go like this..."

"I understand. Try to get some sleep."

I didn't sleep.

For three days, I almost didn't blink and refused to let my three babies out of my sight.

Ghost tried to assure me they'd be okay with him but I'd have a panic attack if they took them from my arms.

Ghost kissed my forehead and softly stroked my hair.

"It's okay... just take a nap... they'll be here when you wake up..." He whispered.

"You're falling asleep. You take that nap."

"No, I'm fine..."

Ghost hasn't slept a wink either.

"I love you." I whispered.

"I love you too." He whispered back.

Starla sniffed the air and I sighed.

"It hurts. They have no teeth and yet it hurts."

"I'm sorry, my love."

I pulled down my shirt and fed her.

"Did we fail?" I asked looking down at the bundle.

"No. We'd fail if Konig got to the kids. But he didn't. I'd say we're doing pretty good."

I yawned and finished feeding my daughter. My son was next.

"Ba!" Kiara smiled and pulled herself up by Simon's pants.

I smiled at her and she giggled.

Ghost x Reader: Looking Out For MeWhere stories live. Discover now