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Caleb's pov...

"Caleb, we are leaving. We will try to come back sooner but until then take care of both of your siblings and Noah don't bother your brother too much" said my mother as both Noah and I were playing games on the play station. I resumed the game and stood up to see them off.

My father is a businessman and there is an event happening in our town where most of the businessmen are invited, from other cities too. The event was hosted by the mayor who is also our uncle, dad's elder brother. We all were invited but because my little sister was sick we weren't going.

"I have given her the medicine, her fever is almost gone now. She is not sleeping yet but would be asleep in a while so take care of her" my mom said as she looked worried while she was sitting Alara down on her chair and giving her favourite teddy with whom she started playing. She kissed her forehead and then glanced at me, she then caressed my cheek with a small smile.

"Don't worry mom, I will take care of her," I reassured her as she looked worried for Alara. But I have taken care of her since she was a baby, I love my little sister more than I love anyone. She is the most precious thing in my life. The same goes for Noah, he is very moody at times and we often fight with each other but it's only Alara whom he had never yelled at or fought with.

"I know baby, I can always count on you," she said as she laughed lightly at me.

"Shall we leave now?" Dad came to the living room where we all were present.

My mom nods at him as she picked her clutch from the sofa and makes her way to Noah and kissed his cheek. He was busy with his game only glancing her way once and then he was back to his I pad. He is like this so serious and emotionless all the time. It's alarming for a 10-year-old to be like this but we have accepted by now that he is like this.

Dad came forward and kissed Alara before turning towards me. He is also a very serious person, occasionally smiling and most of the time it's for Alara or mom. Sometimes I think that Noah is just like him whereas I am a mixture of both my parents, I have my dad's serious side as well my mother's bubbly side. I know when to get funny and when to get serious.

"I am making you the man of the house until we come back, take care of your siblings and yourself." He said with such seriousness and I nod back.

"Yes Dad," I said and he seems to relax and then patted my shoulder and then they were gone. It's always like this whenever they leave he makes me the man of the house which means I have to take care of everything until they come back even Noah has to respect me for that period and I feel so responsible and worthy at that time.

I looked at 2-year-old Alara who was looking at me with her big brown eyes.

"Leb.." she called me, she can't say my full name so leb is what she calls me. I smiled and moved towards her.

"Yes, muffin," I said with my favourite nickname for her. Both Noah nor I don't call her by her name. We both have our specific nicknames for her. We call her our favourite thing. I love muffins so I called her that and Noah loved kiwis so he called her kiwi. Funny! I know.

"Book..." He said pointing towards her storybooks so I make my way towards them and give one of the books to her. Then I went back to playing games occasionally looking at her once in a while but she was busy reading her book which I know she doesn't know how to read but she is trying her best. I smiled at her and then looked at Noah who was busy with his I pad.

After a while, it was past 10 so I looked back at Alara to find her head lulling to one side as she was asleep I stood up and held her in my hands as I took her back to her room but Noah also stood up.

"Let her sleep in my room until mom and dad came back. She isn't well, I don't want her to be alone" he sighed as he turn off his I pad and put it on the side, and moved towards his room, I also followed behind. I laid her in his bed as he lay by her side and tucked her into his blanket. I smiled at both of them as Noah also closed his eyes. I went back out and turn off the extra lights leaving the porch light on for my parents then I went into Noah's room and laid down on Alara's other side.

I can't leave them alone so I slept with them, Noah's bed was large enough for three of us to sleep comfortably in it.
After some time I heard the phone ringing in the living room. I groggily woke up and looked at the clock. It was well past 2 in the morning. Mom and dad must be home by now but why is no one answering the phone? I stood and went to the living room to answer the house phone which was ringing continuously.

"Hello! It's Caleb Levine speaking" I said into the phone but then the lady speak and I feel like I couldn't breathe at her words. My mind turn hazy at what she was saying, she was telling me how my parents are met with an accident. My mother died on the spot but my father is still barely alive and he wants to talk to me.

"He...Hello... Caleb" his voice sounded and I take a breath as I try to contain the tear which was falling down my cheeks by now.

"Dad... are you okay?" I asked him.

"My boy... I am .. not fine. I want you to listen to me well.." He was breathing heavily and stuttering.

"I am making you the man of the house from now on. You will take care of your brother and sister. You will be the father to them. Alara is too small but I believe in you, you will take care of her. Both you and Noah will. I am sorry Caleb, I am giving you a very big responsibility but I don't trust anyone with you three. I want you to take care of yourself and your brother and sister. You know all the details of my bank account. Take care of yourself too!" He said but I was only crying.

"I am sorry my boy but know that I love you and I know you can do that. And I don't have to worry about you three as long as you are together." He said and then he paused.

"Forgive me," he said one last time and then the line went silent. I stood there for what felt like forever but was only 5 minutes. I cried for my parents, for my siblings, for myself, and our loss. But then I rubbed my cheeks removing any trace of tear from my face.

I have to be strong, he gave me the responsibility and I will make him proud of me. Now I am the man of the house and I will make sure my siblings are well. I will take care of them from now on. This is the last time I have cried from now on I will never cry!

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