chapter 44

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I sat up with a start and felt dizzy instantly, I look around the room to see Hunter leaning by the wall on one side of the room and Caleb sitting beside my bed on a stool. I was in a hospital room and then everything comes back to my mind. They both were looking at me as both of them stood on both sides.

"Are you okay?" Hunter asked.

"Should I call the doctor?" Asked Caleb.

"Noah ..Where's Noah? How is he?" I asked with my eyes tearing up at the anticipation.

"He will be okay, just don't worry!" Said Caleb, as he held my hand.

"No tell me how is he?" I asked him.

"The doctor's are still looking at him, we don't know yet ..." He exhaled heavily as he rubbed his tired face. I sniffled as tears fell down my cheeks.

"I don't want to loose him" I whispered almost to myself.

"We should..  be out there.. what if doctor's came out and..." I said as I moved off the bed. Caleb held me up by his grip on my forearms when I was about to fall.

"Easy Muffin," he lightly scolded me, I looked away and moved to walk out. I heard both of them following me. We stopped in front of ICU, waiting impatiently for the good news.

"Sit down, you are not fine" said Hunter as he came to me motioning towards the chair in the hallway. I shake my head.

"No I am fine" I told him, he hesitated a little then went out leaving both Caleb and me alone. Caleb stood few steps away from me, his gaze on the ICU door.

"Here, drink!" Hunter came infront of me as he push the water bottle infront of me. I looked up at him.

"I am not thristy," I sighed as I looked back at the door.

"You fainted few hours ago," he said as a matter of fact. I looked back at him, his eyes soften immensely as he pleaded with his eyes. I huffed and took few sips and then give him back. He looked a little relieved.

I looked up and my eyes fell on Caleb who was closely watching us. When he met my gaze he looked away. The door opened and the doctor came out.

"Doctor how is my brother?" I immediately ask him, both Caleb and me surrounded him as he looked at both of us.

"Your brother lost a lot of blood, we are trying our best but..." He said as he looked a little gloomy.

"But..?" I asked him.

"But we are not sure if he will make it, we can't seem to find the blood as his blood group is a very rare one which is O negative. We are trying our best to find..." He said but I cut him off.

"Take mine, we have same blood group. Please doctor take my blood" I said and both Caleb and Hunter looked at me.

"No" both of them said at the same time.

"Excuse me?" I glared back.

"You fainted not while ago and I don't want to worry about another one of my sibling." Caleb said.

"I don't care, Noah needs blood and I will give it to him" I retorted.

"I will arrange the blood, but you are not doing anythinh" Hunter told me sternly and pulled out his phone as he called someone. I glared at his back, I can't believe they are being si irrational right now.

"Caleb please, I will be fine. Noah needs it" I almost begged. His eyes soften as he patted my head lightly.

"I know Muffin, but he won't be happy once he will wake up!" He said and I internally flinched.

"Why? Because he hates me now?" I asked my voic creaked at the end.

"No silly! Why would you say that?" Caleb frowned.

"You both hate me now, I know that. That's why you don't even want to see my face and... you don't even miss me. You are even getting married without me. You don't love ne anmore" I start crying as everything weighed down on me.

"No baby girl, we don't hate you. We can never!" He said as he pulled my in his arms and gently patted my head as if cradling a child which in a way I am his child.

"We were giving you sometime away to realize that the guy is not good for you. We thought you will come back to us but... I think .." He sighed and didn't complete his sentence. They were expecting me to leave Hunter after few days, they thought that I would realize he us not good for me.

"But he is good, he is good to me." I said and looked up at him.

"Yes I know!" He said and smiled gently at me.

"And I would not marry without you, I only proposed Lily because I realized what you said was right. I should marry her and start my new life with her. I can have her and my family as well in my life. Nothing can change what I have for my siblings" he smiled at me as a lone tear fell down his eye. I wiped it with my hand and smiled.

"I am sorry Muffin, I thought you chose a wrong man. We didn't trust your decision and ask you to choose" he said and looked disappointed in himself.

"Just never make me choose again, you three are the most important people in my life." I told him and I saw Hunter standing few steps away from us. We both looked at him.

"I have arranged the blood" he said and we both sighed in relief.


After few hours doctor told us that Noah is out of danger. One of Hunter friend gave the blood and I am very thankful to that man.

I sat beside Noah's bed while clutching one of his hand that wasn't connected to IV. I have never seen my brother so weak and broken. I have hardly seen him being sick, so it was a very bad sight. Hunter went out to ascort his friend out whereas Caleb went out to call Lily to tell her about Noah's condition.

As I was sitting beside him praying to God to make him open his eyes, just then my phone rang. I fished out the phone from my pocked, it was an unknown number. I didn't think too much and picked up.

"Hello!" I said while my gaze was on Noah who was breathing through the oxygen mask.

"Hello Alara Or should I say kitten?" A man chuckled and I shuddered in fear at the icy taunting voice.

"Who is .. it?" I asked.

"Oh you forgot me so soon huh?" He said and I frowned trying to remember him.

"It's Darian Langstone, little girl!" He hissed as I stood up.

"Why? Why.. are you calling me..?" I asked unsure of how he got my number and why he called me.

"I heard your brother is out of danger now, congratulations" he said and my breath hitched.

"Ho... how do you know about this?" I asked as my hands got cold.

"Listen to me girl! It was just a warning next time, one of your two brother would die so it's better you stay away from Hunter. He is my most prized possession, I can't loose him over some bitch" he hissed and I couldn't breath. He was the one responsible for Noah's condition. I almost lost my brother because of him.

"I could have hurt you but I know Hunter would know it was me so I thought why not play with you. I am only asking you to go back to where you came from leaving Hunter back. And your brothers will not be harmed that I can promise but if you won't listen then I am afraid I have to take some drastic measures to eliminate the hindrance that came in my way" he threatened and then hanged up.

I sat back on the chair still in shock!

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