chapter 7

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Today is Friday and I am getting late for my classes because last night I was talking to Noah and Caleb and we lost track of time. It was Mary who woke me up when she realised I haven't woken up. I wore my jeans and sweater, then I tied my shoes. I ran out with my bag and my phone, I skipped breakfast but Mary was kind enough to make a chicken sandwich for me which she packed for me to have later. I bid goodbye to her as I ran out.

I greeted morning to the receptionist whose name was Rachel, she smiled at me but I didn't have much time to smile back as I walked out. I was about to run towards the direction of my university when my eyes fell on someone. He was leaning on a bike in his usual attire, this is the first time I am seeing him in days. I wanted to stay on my word and ignore him but what he was doing was not ignore able. So with a huff, I walk towards him.

"Stop!" I gritted out when he was about to push back the kitten again for the nth time with his foot. He looked up at me pausing in his moment. His face held annoyance which increased tenfold when he saw me. I let it go for a moment. He was doing that to the poor kitten from the moment I came out but the poor kitten wasn't understanding that this man is not good. I kneeled in front of them and held the kitten up in my arms.

"Hey sweetie, don't go to this man. He is not a good person. I thought he is only rude to humans but he is rude to animals too." I huffed as I glared at him. He raised his brow at me as if telling me he don't care what I think of him.

"Are you hungry?" I asked and she meowed which I take as a yes. I can't take her to the apartment because Mary is allergic to cats. She was shivering from the cold and my heart gnawed at that. I can't take her with me to the university either. I removed my woollen scarf from around my neck and folded it around her. Then I pulled the chicken sandwich from my bag and fed her the chicken which she ate happily.

I sighed and stood up with her in my hands when she was done eating. I looked around and my eyes fell on the alleyway beside our building. I walked towards it and I found a wooden cardboard on the dumpster.

"This will do for the time being," I thought as I wrapped her in the scarf carefully and put her in the box.

"I will come back later, right now I have to go to university. I am already late" I apologised to her who only looked at me with her cute eyes.

"Please stay here until then" I cooed as I stood up and walked out of the alleyway. He was still leaning on his bike as he was smoking, I scrunch my nose. He wasn't looking at me instead he was on his phone cursing someone out loud. I haven't heard someone cursing that much in just a minute, I cover my ears instantly.

He gave me a weird look but he was amused. I glared at him and turn around as made a run to the university. Fortunately, I reached in only five minutes but the class has already started 10 minutes ago.

"May I come in please?" I asked as I stood at the threshold of the door waiting for the professor to let me. He sighed and gave me a scolding look but then let me in and warned me to not make it a habit.

My usual front seat was already taken, the only seat left was at the back beside that cute guy. I smiled at him and sat down beside him. He smiled back but then we both looked at the professor.

After one and a half hours the class ended and the professor gave us an assignment pairing all of us in two surprisingly I was paired with the cute guy, Jake his name.

After class, he looked at me as if wanting to say anything but was nervous.

"Are you okay?" I asked and he shake his head.

"Can I have your number... I mean it would be easy if we want to contact for our assignment.. and.." He was nervous so I spoke up smiling at him.

"Yeah it's okay," I said as I gave him my number and we decide to meet tomorrow at the library to discuss our assignment. After that, he was about to leave when I stopped him.

"Hey, Jake!" I called him as he was about to leave the classroom. He stopped and looked at me.

"Yes," he asked.

"Uhmm do you know any animal shelter around here?" I asked him. He smiled and told me about the one which was close to my apartment. I thanked him and then we went on to our next class. I had only classes today, this time I managed to find the seat in front but to my surprise that rude girl came to sit with me. I didn't have her a smile this time, I don't want to feel humiliated again. I looked around for any other empty seat but all the seats were filled except for the one at the back with Jake. I sighed and was about to stand when the girl spoke.

"Hey .. Alara right?" She said and I looked at her as I nodded meekly.

"I .. wanted to apologize for that day, I had a bad day and I.. took it on you. I am sorry!" She said with a genuine smile and looked uncomfortable. I sighed and smiled at her.

"It's okay, no problem," I said and her smile turned into a wide grin.

"Oh thank God because I was feeling so bad about it," she said.

"My name is Hailey by the way" she introduced herself to which I shake my hand with her.

"Have you made any friends here?" She asked me to which I shake my head.

"Good then, meet your new friend Hailey," she said as she point towards her, I chuckled and that's how we become friends. Then the professor came and we got quiet.

We walked together to the main gate, she drove so she offered to drive me to my apartment which I politely declined. I have to take the kitten to the animal shelter first.

I went straight to the place where I tucked her in and thankfully she was there. When I got there she was drinking milk from the small bowl, someone must have put it there for her. I sent a silent prayer for that person. He or she must be a good-hearted person.

I pick her up and opened my Google map which shows the location of the animal shelter, I followed the direction to the shelter. Once I reached there I met a young girl who greeted me with a smile and when I tell her about the kitten she happily took her from my hand and told me that they would take care of her. I bid goodbye to her and with one last glance at the kitten, I walked out. I finally relaxed but now my stomach was growling and I realized I didn't eat anything since morning.

My phone started ringing as I walked back home. It was Mary, I picked up the phone and told her I am on my way. After hanging up the phone, my gaze fell on a bookstore it looked cute and cosy. I wanted to go in but stopped myself because I know I won't come out anytime soon. I will visit on Sunday when I will be free. With a heavy heart, I moved on leaving 'book heaven' behind.

"Next time" I breathed out.

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