Chapter 3 | The Child Escapes

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October 19th, 2008

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October 19th, 2008

Little by little, rope lowered a brown backpack to the cold grass. Once it rested peacefully, a young child gripped the rope with uncertain confidence.

With her smaller body weight, it was significantly easier for the young girl to escape by a rope through the mansion window of a bathroom. There was no final goodbye to her younger sister, but she could only force back tears and bear through it.

When Athena's petite black shoes rested on the earth, she tugged the rope until it fell out the window. Without evidence of her escape, she'd have enough time to leave.

Athena wore a tight black child's trench coat. Her brown bag contained essentials like toothbrushes, shower products, a big water bottle, money, extra clothes, a small journal, and a thick book. She shrugged the straps over her shoulders and snuck down the hill of the estate.
She had to climb over a large stone wall, but once over it, she was now on the streets. Awaiting across it was a tall man sitting on the hood of his car. Once he took notice of the girl, he quickly crossed the street.

"Athena," He called, "Tu es sûr que c'est ce que tu veux faire?" He was straight to the point.
[Are you sure this is what you want to do?]

This man was an older relative, Francais. He was a young adult man with short grey hair and bright blue eyes. He wasn't old; his hair was naturally grey.

"Oui," Athena answered without hesitance. 

She marched past the man toward the car. He sighed with upturned eyebrows but turned to follow. He was kind to aid in her escape, but he kept asking if she was sure she wanted to do this. She was more sure than anything.

The car ride was long and silent. She could only watch the passing scenery outside the window as she thought of her life in France. Francais had gotten her a plane ride to Washington, America, with a woman on the other side to take care of her.
Athena knew very little English but enough to get her by. She could have conversations in French but would probably mispronounce words and not understand slang. She'd have to rely on her new school, perhaps.

Once they arrived, he parked the black SUV and walked the girl inside hand-in-hand. 

The airport was as loud as a school assembly. She noticed a lot of signs and intercom voice-overs translated from French into Spanish, Chinese, French, and Russian. Those were the only ones she knew by sight.

It was good Francais looked like her but with grey hair. As they passed airport security, he used the cover story of letting Athena visit his ex-wife in America. Not only that, but they were related, so he could easily string her along.

She stood nearby the bag-checking area as Francais looked through the necessary legal documents to allow her to travel alone. He couldn't come along due to his crucial job with LVMH, which she knew as an important company of some sort.
Abruptly, something was tapping her on the shoulder. When she looked over, a young girl of the same age looked at Athena in awe. She tilts her head at the unknown young girl. The brunette pointed at Athena's shoulder-length white hair.

"Your hair is so pretty." She cooed in an American accent.

Athena tensed as she processed these words. 

The girl went on, "Is your hair natural?"

This was a good opportunity to practice English. She spoke in a heavy French accent, "O-Yes. I was born with." She nodded. 

It took the American girl a moment to process her words before grinning. "That's amazing!" She cheered. Soon after saying this, Francais' shadow loomed over the two young girls. 

The brunette looked up at him. "Oh? Is this your dad?" She asked Athena. Francais answered for her, "Yes." He hummed in a lighter French accent, "We have to go now. Have a good day, little one." He waved goodbye kindly, which the young girl returned.
Athena and Francais left the girl to walk back to her parents nearby. They boarded a tram, which was eerily quiet, and reached their final destination; the boarding station. Francais pushed past the line of people and sauntered to the front desk.

Some people gave him nasty looks. "Hey! There's a line." One hissed.

He ignored them. Tapping on the desk politely, he quietly spoke to the attendant staring at him. "Ma fille y va seule. Je suis là pour la déposer." He told the woman.
[My daughter goes alone. I'm here to drop her off.]

The attendant perked at this. They immediately began to do paperwork and check credentials. An French man huffed, "Foreigners." He muttered under his breath.

She was only able to hear this with her enhanced hearing. Artio made an appearance, nastily chuckling. "Ils sont étranger." She noted. Athena agreed with a smile.
[They are the foreigner.]

Francais was done faster than expected. As they were pulled aside and Athena was given a plastic necklace with a bright green card around her neck, he crouched down to her level. His nervous blue eyes downcasted upon her.
"Dis le mot et je te ramènerai à la maison." He whispered. She pouted at him, "Non." Athena answered. There was no hesitance; she knew what she wanted to do. Francais looked defeated. He placed a hand on her shoulder.
[Say the word, and I'll take you home.]

"Au revoir." He whispered.

This was not a 'see you later' or a 'good afternoon.' This was goodbye. Athena may never see Francais ever again.

"Au revoir." Athena whispered back with clouded eyes, "Merci, Francais."

That was the last thing they exchanged before she was pulled away by employees. She was first on the plane and sat next to where the attendants frequent. Away from France, her home, and away from River.

She felt like such a Tyrant.

She could only weep to herself as she thought of the distraught expression of her little sister when she discovered she was gone.



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