Chapter 4 | Betrayal From a Stranger

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To say the plane ride was boring would be an understatement

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To say the plane ride was boring would be an understatement.

Athena did not know boredom could be excruciatingly physically painful as this. She doodled in colour books given by the staff, and she enjoyed snacking on pretzels and chugging drinks, but none of that did much.

It was ten hours of watching movies. She was able to finish 8 of them.

When the plane landed, it felt like she had been in the sky for a life time. Walking around and being escorted by adults was tiring, but she was happy to be out of that chair.

Outside the boarding area stood a tall woman. Her black curls waterfalled over her shoulders, a pristine white blouse, and a black pencil skirt made her stand out as a business woman. She stood out from everyone around her because she looked to be waiting.
"Ms. Prenwen." An attendant standing next to Athena called out. The woman she was studying perked and strutted toward them. "That's me." She confidently called out. Once there, she completed paperwork identical to what Francais did.

Being handed over to an adult she did not know was strange. She felt nervous.

Parading through the airport next to said adult was weirder. She barely spoke and spared the young girl a glance, only taking a moment to ensure she was following.

Though the moment they reached the exit doors, she stuffed her hand into her purse and pulled out a black wallet. Athena stared up in confusion as the woman stuffed it into Athena's bag. She huffed as she took a step away from the girl.

"I was only paid to get you out of the airport." The woman huffed. She stared at the woman in shock. There's no way...

She gestured to the wallet she had shoved into her backpack. "I at least gave you some money, but that's it." The woman pulled out her flip phone, "I'm not a monster."

Half of her English was gibberish to Athena, but she could perfectly understand what being abandoned looked like. Her body shook with a newfound emotion; rage. She felt anger. Athena would tear this adult to bits if she could.
She stomped her foot. "Espèce de grosse vache!" The girl hissed nastily. The adult was not phased, "I don't understand that language." She stated clearly. Athena curled her top lip up, "J'espère que tu pourriras avec ma mère en enfer." She spat.
[You fat cow! I hope you rot with my mother in hell.]

Though her French, literally, did not affect the deaf cow. The woman casually waltzed away while searching for a taxi with her flip phone out.

Athena was about to chase her to the end of the earth, but Artio intervened. 

"Laissez-la partir." She spoke in her mind.

Once the woman disappeared, Athena stomped her foot again. Now what? Artio hummed in thought, "Nous revenons pour donner ce qui lui est dû une fois que nous serons plus forts." She claimed.
[We are coming back to give her due once we are stronger.]

Athena's body was forcibly shifted toward the overarching forest in the distance. This country was colder and greener than France, but she would have to get used to it. 

Passing many adults, some giving worried glances, she hurried toward the forest. She had to cross crosswalks, dodge curious young children wanting to play, and avoid any policemen or security.
The last thing Athena needed was to be thrown in an orphanage. They may find her mother, and who knows what her mother would do if she found her in another country. Though, just as she thought, she ran into a tall man's legs.

Upon peering up, she was horrified to notice his dark blue uniform and police badge. He looked down at her in startled shock.

"Where are your parents?" He asked, sweeping the crowd with his eyes.

Athena raised her chin, "Ce n'est pas votre affaire." She snapped.
[It's none of your business.]

The policeman frowned down at her. "I'm sorry, I don't speak that language." He apologized. Before he could say anything else, she groaned. "Do not want help." She translated in broken English with her thick French accent.

Athena ducked around him and bolted down the street. "Hey!" He yelled, "Wait! I need to get you to your parents!" The man yelled as she chased her.

Just up ahead was the forest. It looked more like a rainforest than a typical forest in France, but it would have to do. The man continued to yell for the little girl to stop, but she ignored him. The last thing she needed was a random man chasing her.
Athena jumped into the brush. Some twigs scratched her skin, but she did not care. A shiver ran across her skin, bones under her skin cracking and slowly shifting position. For some reason, with all this going on, Athena felt no pain.

She dropped her backpack on the ground. Just as the policeman jumped through the brush away from prying eyes, he skidded to a stop and watched with widened eyes.

Her body bent into itself, flesh rapidly shifting. Hair grew from every part of her body as her fingers curled into paws, and a tail grew out the bottom of her spine.

In place of the little girl now stood an impressive white wolf. Her white fur glistened in the sun beaming through the trees. Three obvious scars still sat in the same place they did before. This was the only clear indicator that it was the same girl.
The giant wolf was the size of a full-grown timber wolf. For werewolves, she was a pup, but to humans, she was a titan. The man fell to his knees as the giant wolf peered back at him. Both girls could tell he was afraid.

Her maws scrooped up the handle of her backpack before jumping further into the forest. The branches no longer scratched her skin, warm paws pressing into the earth. 

She didn't expect to be abandoned, but things have gone relatively smoothly for a grade-schooler fleeing across the globe herself. Now that she was going to begin a new life in America, it felt like a new start.

Though, 11-year-olds shouldn't feel the need to restart.

Athena somehow couldn't see it happening any other way. If she would have to become a wild woman in the woods, perhaps that is how it was meant to be. 

Perhaps her fate had to be twisted to keep her sister safe. 

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