Bonus 2 | First Born

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"How're you feeling?" Johann asked.

"Relaxed," I breathed as his hand went over my bare back to my shoulders.

"Let me get your feet now." He got up from behind me.

Since my pregnancy, even though he didn't let me do any work, I was given this special treatment of his hands on my entire body.

He was so good at what he was doing. I was lying on the bed on my right side and he was massaging my feet.

"It's bedtime. Get some sleep already," I told him.

It was 10.30 pm. He'd just gotten home and after freshening up, the first thing he did was to order me to change into clothes suitable for massage. And here I was, lying on the bed in my sportswear.

"Almost over," He replied. "I'll get to your back again for a few minutes and it's done," He said and got to my back.

"You always did the feet lastly," I frowned, then gasped as he made me lie on my back. "You naughty boy," I held his nose and shook his head.

"Can I be blamed?" He laughed. "You know how much of self control it takes to treat you without giving in?" He bent down.

"Why're you like this?" I asked when he pulled away.

"What?" He was confused. "As in?"

"This charming, this romantic, this handsome?" I wrapped my hands around his neck.

"Because you're like this," He brushed my cheekbone with his right thumb. "This beautiful, this gorgeous, this alluring, appealing, irresistible, glamo___"

"Stop it," I placed my left index over his lips to shut him up, but he shamelessly licked it after biting, making my face go even more red than it already was. "Be careful," I said when his left hand seemed to put pressure over my 9 month belly.

"Sorry," He said and moved down. "You all right, baby?" He kissed our yet to be born.

"Don't you worry papa, I'm well and good. Now mumma needs you, go to her." I said pretending to be the baby.

"I've got something to tell you," He whispered. "It might offend you, but it's the truth. I love her more than anyone else, even you." He ran his right hand over my belly.

"Come here you Romeo," I pulled him close.

"I prefer happy endings," He yawned.

"Look who's talking." I snorted. "The 'tragic story' guy," I said and instantly regretted. Those stories were the impact of his father's death.

"Hey! I'd blame you for that, where were you for all those years?" He was joking about it, but I felt bad.

"I'm sorry Johann," I said in a low voice.

"For?" He frowned a little.

"I shouldn't have said that." He shifted a bit to get a better look.

"I know you didn't mean it and that you never will," He kissed my forehead. "Besides I actually mean what I said, if only I'd found you earlier___"

"We'd have had at least 3 kids by now," We laughed. "Sleep now." I pecked him and we fell asleep in each other's arms.

I was soundly sleeping, but as a half sound - half light sleeper, woke up when I felt wet from below my hips. Was I sweating? Not likely when it's the end of December.

I got out of the bed carefully so as not to wake him up and realised what had happened. I switched on the white lights, that woke Johann up too.

"Switch them off..." He groaned and threw an arm over to where I was supposed to be beside him. He sat up when he didn't find me there. "What's going on?" Now he was fully awake.

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