Chapter 14

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Anna was excited to run. Her body was itching to move and get away from the jostle of the horse. Her legs were practically begging her to stretch and be free.

She was relieved in a way that Rye now knew her gift. She had carried that burden all on her own for her entire life. She, however, only wished it had been a friend she had confided in and not her nemesis. The man she hated, or maybe didn't hate.

She was perhaps beginning to understand the fierce warlord. He owned up to his mistakes and was mostly just bluster when it came to actual threats against her. He had a terrifying temper, that was true enough. He could be kind, though. And the looks he gave her. Those stupid heart stopping looks. Like she was precious. Like she was the moon to his sky. How could she hate someone that looked at her like that?

Stockholm syndrome, Stockholm syndrome, Stockholm syndrome, she repeated to herself. She wanted to snap out any tender feelings she was starting to have toward him.

With those thoughts, she found her eyes searching him out. Like an idiot. She was currently sitting in the grass eating bread and dry meat. Rye had made the group stop for a brief lunch to make sure Anna had plenty of fuel before their run. He was currently standing off to the side with Ash, hopefully apologizing for punching him.

Anna examined his stance. He stood so confidently. Larger than life even. He had taken off his cloak and was wearing leather armor with no shirt underneath giving Anna a full view of his sculpted body. His ridiculously stupid body. She felt a warmth deep within her. Nope. Nope. Nope. She forced herself to look away and took her last remaining bite of food.

She straightened her leg out, reached for her toe, and stretched.

He had just kissed her this morning. Those strong arms had embraced her fully. He was intense. Too intense. She straightened her other leg and repeated the stretch.

He told her he loved her. No. He was falling in love with her. She drew out both legs and grabbed each ankle. Feeling the stretch under her knees.

They've known each other less than a week! She hadn't even been all that nice to him. God! She even bit him. He couldn't possibly be falling in love. She also had been pretty clear to him about her feelings. She thought he was a cruel monster. He was despicable. Right?

It was his apology, however, that started to thaw her angry heart. He was so sincere and he made all these vows and promises.
He also threatened to murder innocent people, dumbass. She needed to keep reminding herself of this. It was definitely dangerous for her to soften to this man.

You make me crazy, he had said. He was making her crazy too, confusing all her thoughts.

What would she tell a friend to do? She would say, run. Don't fall for murderous warlords who kidnap you. Obviously.

Ostiel took her out of her reverie. "You should have chosen to ride with me, little mage. I would have gladly taken a hit for you." Anna glanced up at him, and her cheeks colored. Oz's gray eyes danced with mischief as he towered over her.

Oz was a large man, muscular but also fat. He had dark wavy hair that went to his shoulders and a thick dark beard. Anna felt a strange feeling in him. He was plotting something. Nothing good.

"I think I'll just stick to riding with Rye from now on," she said diplomatically. She was apprehensive of his callous flirting. Did he have a death wish? What was his deal? Of course he plopped down next to her.

"So you knew Kalo's wound was festering, did you? What other types of things would you know?" His tone was light, but he made the hairs on the back of her neck stand up.

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