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A/N: This chapter is on the long side but it is the last. Thank you for reading. Enjoy😊


The air was chilled and frost coated the grass and leaves on the trees. Anna closed her eyes and basked in Rye's warmth as he held her against him on the horse.

Excited energy bounced off Rye's men in waves. In return, her heart amped in anticipation. After weeks of travel, they were finally close to home.

Rye pressed his lips to her head and squeezed her tightly with one arm. When she turned to look at him, she noticed his eyes were bright and his lips smiling.

"You seem happy to return home," she mused. 

"Yes. Very." He leaned down and tilted her head toward him and tried to read her face. "You are not. Why?"

"I'm just nervous, I guess."

"My people will love you."

"All at once? Because crowds are not my thing."

He chuckled. "You don't have to do anything you don't want to do."

"Okay," she answered, unconvinced.

He trailed kisses between her neck and shoulder, causing her to shiver. Not even the intimacy of the ride, with her body pressed up against his, was enough to distract her from her thoughts.

"What will I do all day?" she asked anxiously.

With another kiss on her neck, he whispered, "Whatever you please."

Disappointment flooded her. This was not quite the answer she was looking for.

He pulled back and when she narrowed her eyes at him, he was contemplative. "I had hoped you would sit with me on counsel and on court."

Her heart warmed. She would have a place here, and a voice, not just a womb like she had feared. "I would like that," she breathed.

Rye nodded with a small smile. "You will bring change. My mother foresaw it."

After what she had been through, the idea of a bigger purpose was no longer as frightening as before, especially now that she had a supportive Rye by her side.

The pounding of hooves turned Anna's head. Kalo rode up next to them and interrupted, "Anna! Will you meet my claimed on our return?"

Kalo spoke of Cara so often that Anna felt like she already knew the girl. "Of course," she replied warmly.  Kalo's face lit like a Christmas tree.

"She is a good woman," Kalo announced proudly, like he needed to endear her more than he already had.

"From everything you told me about her, I have a feeling we will be fast friends," Anna replied.  Somehow, Kalo's grin became even wider. She laughed, he gave her a satisfied nod and then took off in a gallop.

Thinking about Caralie gave Anna a smidge of self-consciousness. She was not dressed like a lady and certainly not one matched to a warlord. Or she didn't think so anyway. Anna always had an array of female friends, but sometimes other women were tricky. They always seemed to find ways to compare themselves to each other. Anna knew she would be heavily scrutinized, and if she showed up in raggedy pants and wild hair, she would be torn apart.

"What are you thinking about?" Rye asked her.

"I'm thinking Sera's dress looked complicated."

"The wise woman?" Rye asked with surprise.

"Yes. I have no idea how to be a woman here."

Rye laughed. "All will be well. Your lady's maid will help you."

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