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After hunters arrived. Shi yan finally couldn't hold it anymore and collapsed. Also he was injured quite badly no matter what it is difficult for a 17 y/o to fight a monster.

Shi yan was quickly moved to a nearest hospital. It was the same hospital in which they moved Lu siblings.


A week has already passed since the attack. Shi yan still haven't woken up.

According to Cyrus, it was because his body wasn't ready to activate his powers. So, it needs time to adjust and there is nothing to worry

But lu family on the other hand was acting like its the end of world.

They called professionals from all over the world to treat Shi yan but there was still no signs of waking up.


Father Lu was standing outside of the ward.

Father Lu looked inside and saw that Shi yan was lying peacefully on the bed. If one ignore the IV connected to his hand and his pale complexion then it will look like that he is just sleeping

But sadly those things cannot be ignored.

During all this tim Father Lu considered Shi yan as his own son.

Father Lu or Lu ming fell in love with Mother Lu or Sha ya at first sight.

Lu ming was the second son of Lu conglomerate of Y city.

He fell in love with Sha ya. But Sha ya was an orphan. Because of difference in social status Lu family didn't accept Sha ya which caused Lu ming to have a falling out with his family.

Over the time, Sha ya proved that Lu ming wasn't in the wrong. She stayed with Lu ming through thick and thin.

Both of them started doing business and built up LuSha company on their own.

Then the tragedy occurred and Sha ya passed away. That day when Sha ya died, he was still at the hospital when he heard the heart wrenching cries of a child.

The child sobbed pitifully. The child was bleeding but that is not what was causing him to cry. Instead he was crying because of his family.

It looked like the child was numb to his own pain. He just wanted his parents to wake up.

Even when nurses tried to separate the child he wouldn't move but the child was bleeding very badly and he would die of blood loss if nothing is done at this rate. But the child held onto his parent's body tightly and didn't let go.

Looking at the child. He suddenly remembered his own children. He looked at 7 y/o lu yan and 5  y/o lu mei. Looking at his kids he hugged them. They were sobbing while hugging their mothers body.

He realized that he still had his children. All hope was not lost.

Both of the kids were suddenly comforted in their father's arm and found peace.

Their mother was lost. Even if they were young they still understood it. Their pain couldn't be reduced even in the slightest but they could still find peace and comfort.

Lu ming who had lost all hopes also realized that he could live at least for his children.

After some time, he looked around and couldn't find that child.

He couldn't leave his children all alone and he also had to deal with the funeral of his wife. So, he left the hospital.

Few months passed and the country's conditions only worsened.

Government passed the law that all rich families must adopt a child.

Upon hearing of this law, Lu ming was once again reminded of that child. He remembered that child's both parents were dead. He was also injured and there didn't seemed to be an adult around him.

Lu ming thought that perhaps that child was all alone in this world, so where was he. Was he in some orphanage all alone?

Or perhaps he couldn't find a place in an orphanage and was roaming around the streets.

Lu ming's heart suddenly couldn't bare it. Obviously, that child was just a stranger but for some reason, for some reason that child came into Lu Ming's mind again and again. Lu ming finally couldn't bare it and asked his secretary to look for that child.

Obviously, the secretary was baffled by his boss' order.

'Wait, did my perfect boss, who never made me work over time, who never gave me a crazy order, who never had any crazy scandals that I had to clear out, who never went and did things on a whim'

'My same boss who was never like 'tell me the information of this person that I met' just gave this absurd order'

'Where the hell am I going to find a kid in this hectic times?'

'And all the information that u have of that kid is that the kid is a kid and u met him at Z hospital, that's it'

'U don't even remember the date, seriously, are u kidding me, boss u know how many people go to that hospital everyday'

'How am I going to find this child exactly

To be continued.......

AUTHOR'S NOTE: Hope u like this chapter. Lu Ming's back story is pitiful in its own way. He had lost all hope but suddenly remembered about his own children thanks to that child.

The secretary really couldn't believe that his boss who used to consider him a human, just gave him an order that was beyond the range of humans. Being a secretary of a big boos is really pitiful, especially if that secretary is just an extra. If u are one of protagonist's, u can still be spoiled by ur partner if not then ☠☠☠ just rip bro

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