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It's supposed to be a double update but I don't know what was wrong with the internet connection last night. But here, you have it. The second update in a roll. The public holiday pays off, right? You're most welcome


“Every new friend is a new adventure… the start of more memories.” — Patrick Lindsay


                 JEDEKAIH BROUGHT HIS friend home for the first time. A different friend. It was the first person he will be bringing to his home. He doesn't have a close friend except for the coterie and they'd been to each home countless times.

Jesse brings his friends home a few times for parties when their parents are out of the states. And he has girls visiting him most of the time except he was grounded from bringing friends home. So it was a normal routine for him.

Jaime organizes a reading club during the holiday and sometimes during the weekend before mid-test or examination for his close circle of friends and a few that he approved worthy.

So it wasn't a new thing for him either.

But it was different in Jedekaih's case. He was the only one that has never come home with a different friend. Yasmin was his best friend but he visited her more often than she comes over and he was cool with it until recently.

He had invited Zayn home because he wanted to show his brothers that he meant his friendship with him and his mother was also curious about his new friend. And he also wanted to know how it feels to invite a friend home.

He dropped the paintbrush in his hand when he saw an alert for a new text message on his phone. Zayn was there. He thought with a bright smile on his face.

Then he quickly took off his apron, hanging it properly on a wooden hanger beside his canvas. Then he put the brush and easel away before he hurried out of his room.

The living room was very noisy as he descend the stairs. Jasmine and Jasper were fighting for the TV remote. He shook his head, not finding it surprising. But he can't understand was why their mother had not come in between the two of them, especially with how loud Jasmine was screaming.

Ignoring them since he did not come down for them, he went in the direction of the huge wooden door that lead into the house and he opened it to reveal the now familiar back of his friend and guest - Zayn.

Zayn was taking a picture of God-knows-what. There were a lot of things around them that he knew Zayn could be enticed with. Almost everything about Nature, fashion, and technology seems to amaze him. Or probably he just loves clicking on his camera so much. That he can't tell. He always smiles and gives him a wink when he asks. So he dropped it and left it as one of the wonders of his eccentric new friend.

But curiosity get the better of him, so he had to poke his head out of the house to have a glimpse of what he might be snapping. But it was then that Zayn turned around to face him with a grin. And he couldn't help but smile back.

Zayn's smile was contagious in a sort of way. If it doesn't irk you or make you want to cry, it in turn makes you smile. He has a way of teasing, mocking, and making someone feel angry, anxious, irritated and also excited with the way he smiles and laughs.

Sometimes, he does not have to open his mouth to say something, all he has to do is smile or laugh. His thoughts and expression were easy to read through his smile and it was easy to read when he was mocking, teasing, and joking when he smiles.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐁𝐈𝐋𝐋𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐄 𝐂𝐎𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐈𝐄Where stories live. Discover now