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All week I had been taking slow steps to making Lana mine

I started with texting her often and being as romantic as I can

I used to compliment her but now that I was going all in, I literally complimented her at everything

Whether it was her clothes, or smile or just the way she did her job

When people where not looking, I will subtly find a way to touch her

It could be pushing a strand of hair out of her face or making sure to touch her fingers when she was handing me a file

All she would do is blush and scurry off and that was beginning to upset me

I wanted things to advance faster but I at the same time didn't want to overwhelm her but I was beginning to find that where Lana was concerned, I wasn't much of a patient man.

I was sure she noticed what I was doing because she always got so nervous after

Something when I see her smile after, I would get mixed signals and on other days, I wasn't so sure if she liked me or not

I raked my finger through my permed hair

It was Thursday now, and I have decided to make an even bolder move

So when she came in after lunch to drop off a document, I was prepared

As I saw her approach my door, I quickly turned on the blinds and moved to sit on one of the sofa stationed in my office

Here heels clicked on the floor as she made her was towards me

"Mr Knight, here are the documents from our recent deal with CrossRevert Tech and Mr Romeo says he would give you the briefing himself on how the deal went" she said professionally and handed the documents over to me

I smiled up at her and took the documents from her, not forgetting to make sure my fingers touched hers

I saw the blush begin to slowly spread throughout her face as she immediately avoided my eyes

"Eh..that will be all sir" she said and made her move to scurry off again

But I already knew she was going to do this, so I immediately held her right hand and drew her back to me, making sure to put just the right pressure to get her on my lap

She landed on my thighs with a gasps and a shocked look and immediately turned to look at me

"Mr Knight!" she whispered in horror as she looked at me with wide eyes

"Let me go Atlas, this is wrong" she whisper-yelled at me but instead I did the exact opposite by tightening my arms around her, pushing her ass further into my thighs and closer to my semi hard dick


This woman would be the death of me

"Please Atlas, people will see" she pleaded with me, but I was determined not to let her go, until I got the answer I've been waiting for

"No they won't because the blinds are on" I simply stated with a smile

Her eyes were still wide as they stared at me. "Why are you doing this Atlas?" She asked softly

"It's because you are frustrating me Lana, you know all week I've been trying to get your attention but yet you have been go evasive" I grumbled with a slight pout

She sighed, "that's because I told you clearly that this can not work Atlas" she said

My smile washed away, "and you know that's a lie. We can make it work please" I begged, leaning forward to rest my face in her neck and breathed in her scent and the goosebump that followed right after didn't evade my eyes either

"I know you like me, Lana, I can feel it. All I ask is that you give us a chance please" I whispered to her while using my left hand to caress her thick thighs and placing a shy kiss on her neck

I felt her shiver before she immediately tensed up, from probably realizing what she had just done

"Bu-but At—", I interrupted her

"Come over to my place today, let me cook you something" I said

She turned to me surprised, "you can cook?" She asked, her distracting making her slightly relax in my arms

I smiled as I nodded, "is there really anything I can't do?" I teased her

She rolled her eyes at me but smiled

"So is that a yes?" I asked hopefully

She sighed, "if I say yes, will you finally let me go?" She asked and I nodded my head

"Okay, I will be there" she whispered as though she was shy that she was giving into me

She didn't know that she didn't need to be because to me, she was already my woman

I leaned closer to her face and placed a sweet kiss on her cheek, "thank you sweetheart" I said smiling at her brightly

I saw her face redden again as she immediately stood from my lap and scurried out of my office

I chuckled as I watched her go... she was just way too cute

Hi, how are you guys doing?

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