4 - Peep

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They took me straight home. Since I live close to Jenni.

I'm only a little tipsy.

"Back so early?" My dad looked at me from the couch, "I thought you would be over at Cassie's until tomorrow?"

He thinks I was having a sleepover with Cass and London. I was supposed to but I don't feel too hot.

"No Jackson got hurt and Cass wanted to go make sure he was okay. London didn't come because she already didn't feel good." I don't understand why I can lie so easily.

"Ahh okay." He nodded and put his glasses on the top of his head, "Off to bed?"

I slid my Jordans off next to the door then picked them up, "Yeah. Did you make dinner?"

"We had pizza." He unpaused the basketball game he was watching, "If you get into it, can you take some down to Mackenzie? She said she wasn't hungry when I told her it was here."

"Yeah for sure," I picked up the box of cheese pizza then looked at my dad, "You go back to work tomorrow right?"

"Yeah I'm flying to New Zealand. Then to Italy. I'm honestly not sure where after that but I'll be packed for a couple of weeks."

He's a pilot. He travels for months at a time.

My mom is a lawyer. A damn good one.

So usually it's just me and Teddy in the house.

That's why I get away with so much.

"Okay well I love you dad." I stood at the top of the stairs.

"Love you too kiddo." He smiled at me before I closed the door to go down to my room.

Mackenzie's door was cracked open.

I set the pizza box on the table and then threw my backpack on the couch.

I opened her door up a little more.

She was laying face down on her bed.


She looked up at me. Her cheeks and nose were a deep shade of pink.

She was crying.

"Are you okay?" I already knew the answer. And it's not like I hate Mackenzie. I just think she's a bit weird.

"Yeah." She nodded.

"Do you want some pizza?"

"I'm not hungry."

I leaned on the frame, "You have to eat."

"I don't want any pizza."

"Please Mackenzie?"

This is the longest conversation we've ever had. And she's been living with us for a week.

She stared at me. Tears brimmed her eyes making the gray look lighter than usual.

She stood up.

I expected her to slam the door in my face. Or start yelling at me.

She just walked over to the door, "What kind of pizza?"

"Cheese. I think pepperoni is gross."

A smile tugged at the corner of her lips, "I think pepperoni is gross too."

I moved out of her way and sat on the couch.

We just sat there and ate in silence.

She looked at the drums in the corner, "Do you play?"

"Yeah." I nodded. I usually give this long story about why and how good I am but she doesn't want to hear that.

"When did you start playing?" She looked at me.

Maybe she does want to hear.

"In 3rd grade. I won the talent show that year too. My older brother taught me how to play."

She nodded and took another bite of her pizza.

"Do you play anything?"

She smirked slightly, "Yeah I play bass. I'm actually pretty good."

"Way to brag." I was joking with her. Joking with the girl who never talks.

She kept her eyes on the floor, "My dad taught me."

And that changed the whole atmosphere. I'm pretty sure everyone on earth sensed a change.

Way to kill the fucking mood.

"I'm sorry." She looked at me, "I didn't mean to make it weird."

"You didn't." I shook my head and noticed pizza sauce on the corner of her mouth, "You have a little something." I wiped it away with my thumb.

"Thanks." Her cheeks reddened again. Not because she was crying earlier. A blush?

No that's silly of me to think she blushed. All I did was wipe her cheek off.

I cleared my throat when I caught myself staring at her. "Do you want to watch a movie?"

She pulled her legs up to her chest, "What did you have in mind?"

"Something Marvel. I was thinking Age of Ultron." I looked at her again, "It's my favorite Marvel movie."

Her gray eyes met my gaze, "I think that's a good idea."

We watched the movie in silence. I don't really like talking during movies nor could I think of anything to say to her.

When it was over she immediately stood up, "Thank you."

I looked at her, "For what?"

"Just thank you."

I nodded and she went into her room.

I noticed she decorated it.

It's obviously not as cool as mine but I spent years perfecting it.

She poked her head out, "By the way, I love Lil Peep too."

My mouth hung open. Not even my friends like Lil Peep.

She does.

How I Met Your MotherOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora