32 - Mama Matthews

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Mom was admitted to the hospital a few days ago for shortness of breath.

We've all taken turns to see her.

We won regionals last week. We're onto state.

I should be more excited than I am. I should be jumping for fucking joy right now. But my mother is in the hospital and I know she's dying.

"Hey baby." Mackenzie wrapped her arms around my stomach and rested her head on my shoulder, "What are you doing."

I kept my eyes focused on the essay below me. I have two weeks to write two 1000 word essays for my dream schools.

"College stuff."

"NYU and UCLA?" She sounded hesitant, "Which one do you want more?"

I don't wanna have this conversation with her right now.

I can't.

"I'm not sure. They both have their pros and cons." I closed the laptop and turned around, "It feels like I haven't seen you all day."

She smiled, "Because you haven't." She gave me a quick kiss, "I was wondering if you wanted to go visit Mama Matthews?"

I smiled at her, "I would love to go visit Mama Matthews."

"I'll grab my keys."

The drive to the hospital was quick.

Once we made it to the hospital, I immediately noticed Jackson's Audi in the parking lot. The stickers on the back are a dead giveaway.

"Yeah and you should have seen the way Mackenzie was looking at her. I mean, we're all so happy for Nat but also so jealous because- Oh here they are!" Jackson threw his hands up.

All of my friends were sitting around her hospital bed. Different gifts were scattered through the room. Balloons, cards, a small teddy bear. My friends brought my mom a present.

"Hope you don't mind that we stopped by." Alex gave me an innocent smile, "We just love her so much. Wanted to check in."

I could have cried right there. My mom is like a second mom to my friends. They love her I think more than me.

"I don't mind." I tried to ignore my voice crack.

"Wanna continue that story?" Mackenzie crossed her arms over her chest and glared at Jackson.

He visibly swallowed.

Everyone laughed.

My friends love my mom.

But she's gonna be gone soon.

And I think my whole world is gonna fall apart.

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