37 - Drunk

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I haven't been to school all week.

But I don't feel like my heart was ripped out of my chest anymore. Which is a huge upgrade from Monday.

It's Friday. Everyone is supposed to come over this evening after school and such.

I guess I'm up for it.

"Nattie balls!" Jackson came crashing down the stairs, Brooks and Ruby close behind, "Your dad let us in. I hope that was okay?"

"Yeha duh. I was waiting for you guys."

Jackson and Brooks both held up drinks.

Brooks handed me Tito's. "Manuel was out of Patron so I got your second favorite."

"I don't think I can drink responsibly right now."

"You are in the comfort of your own home. Drink however much you want."

"But my dad is here." I looked between the three of them, "Oh fuck it."

Ruby smiled, "We should play a drinking game."

"Flip-a-cup?" Cassie came down the stairs.

Everyone was down here except Mackenzie, London, and Maddie. They have an important student council meeting. Can you believe they're already planning prom?

"Boring and basic." I shook my head.

"Do you have a better idea?" Ruby raised her eyebrows.

"Something that gets us drunk faster maybe?" Jackson smirked.

I smiled, "Medusa."

Jackson jumped up, "Yes! My favorite."

"How do we play?" Ruby looked around the circle.

I smirked, "Let us teach you." I sat on the floor, "Sit in a circle."

Everyone sat in a circle.

"Are you gonna explain it?" Jackson looked at me.

"Yeah." I took a cup off the top of the stack and set it in front of me, "I'm gonna use the fireball so we can use it up." I filled my cup up halfway and passed the bottle to Jackson. "So basically everyone sits around in a circle, someone counts down from 3 to 1. Then everyone looks up and stares into another player's eyes. If you make eye contact with the person you are looking at, you both yell medusa and whoever didn't say it first, has to take a drink."

"And if you decide you said it at the same time, you both take a drink."

"Okay this sounds fun." Ruby nodded.

Cassie smiled, "It so is."

1 hour and 3 bottles later, we were completely plastered.

"I think I like boys and girls." Jackson laid in the middle of the floor. He sat up and looked at us, "Why are there so many gay people in our group?"

"You guys know everyone is so jealous of you all." Ruby sighed, "Everyone wants to be you so bad."

I snorted, "Why? Half of us has one or more parent dead."

Alex shook his head, "And we're so weird."

"But you're all rich and popular and play sports. Your futures are set no matter what you do." Ruby was slurring her words together. She sat up on the couch, "You all drink and smoke and do different drugs and you don't have to worry about how it affects your legacy."

"No even true." Sam rolled onto his stomach on the floor. "Never mind. I'm not gonna argue. We're all cool and hot and popular. But we're not all rich."

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