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Word Count: 2023


I burst through the door, twirling around.

"I can't believe I did that," I exclaim proudly. I feel on top of the world, having accomplished something I never knew I was capable of.

Keo walks into the house after me. "I can..."

This morning when he told me he wanted me to try transporting two people at a time I didn't think I could do it. With a little encouragement on my mates behalf, I was able to do it without any problem, and now I can hardly believe it.

"There's a slight pain in my head, but other than that I feel fine," I tell him.

My symptoms when transporting people are getting better, although when I first accomplished today's task, I did nearly faint. Now that those feelings have worn off, I feel amazing.

"Sit down and drink this. Just because you had success today doesn't mean you can push it," he tells me sternly, filling me a glass of water before handing it to me.

I slide into a chair at the dining table, looking into the kitchen where Keo lingers.

"I feel really good," I admit, sipping on my water.

"Do you feel ready?" His voice is tight, wary. Recently it feels as though there has been a massive shift in him.

Before, it was clear Keo's priority was getting Demon's out of here. Now, I can see him becoming uneasy about me pushing my magic more than he recommends.

It's starting to become clear how much he cares about me. And it's terrifying...

"I'm not far away from it," I muse.

He nods. "Good, because tomorrow I'm going to be teaching you about this new realm so you can start preparing to go there."

My eyes widen. Everything is happening so quickly now. Soon enough this mission will be done, and I will be faced with a new life that will have Keo in it.

However, all too soon, a dark, cold shadow drapes over me.

"What about Relm?"

I watch his shoulders tense at the uttering of Relm's name. He's busy making something for me to eat, which has been a common occurrence recently. He won't turn to look at me, not wanting to make it obvious Relm is a threat.

"I'm working with someone that should be able to mask your presence long enough for you to get everyone there," he explains tersely.

I frown. "Then what?"

"Then we are done."

He says it as casually as he can manage, although I don't fail to notice the doubt playing in his voice. This doesn't seem like such a simple, straightforward problem that we are forced to deal with.

"Will you go with them?" I'm scared of his answer. I don't want to move away from this realm to one I didn't even know existed until not long ago, but at the same time, I don't want to never see my mate again.

Even if things are still uncertain between us...

Keo turns around, sensing my discomfort. "I can't go there, Tove. Relm will kill me."


"But he won't kill the Demon's...not if this magic will work," he mutters, reaching into the fridge. He's making me a sandwich I believe, which is such a simple gesture but reminds me each time that I'm always at the forefront of his mind.

I rub my hands down over my face. "What if he does find them?"

"He won't be able to do much. His power is limited within the actual realms, and even if he does find them, they will be able to look after themselves as they won't fear being revealed, as there will be no Angel-blood's to harm them," he explains darkly.

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