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Word Count: 1967


Keo smooths my hair back, smiling down at me.

"Promise you will come back and you'll feel better." It feels more like a cautious concern than an instruction.

"I promise. I think this is exactly what I need," I tell him, mustering a smile.

Him and I decided that I need a break, just for a couple of days. He's going to take me somewhere and I'm going to try and relax, so when I come back, I'll feel more certain about him, and where we stand.

Keo turns to my friend. "Take care of her, Mary."

He picked her and brought her to Territory Two only moments ago. He understands how much Mary means to me, and that if I'm going to get my thoughts and feelings under control, I'm going to need her.

"Of course," she says, winding her fingers through mine. "We are going to have some fun. For once."

Keo nods, looking solemn. "If anything happens, let me know. Okay?"

After my attempt to escape, I can see he is wary about sending me off, but he is choosing to trust me. Still, it seems like it's going to be a tense few days for him.

"Of course," I assure him.

Keo takes both of our hands and transports us to a different part of Territory Two. I could convince him to let me have a break, but not more than a Territory away.

My feet land on sand, a bright light glaring into my eyes as I tentatively blink them open.

Keo has admitted that he has chosen his home in a part of the Territory that has a more treacherous landscape to stop people from coming across him. The rest of the Territory is beautiful.

"Have fun," he says, giving me a tight smile before he disappears.

I let out a deep breath. I don't feel as relieved as I thought I would, to be away from him. I thought this would be a nice outing away from him, and yet I feel a little empty.

"This view of the sea is great," Mary muses.

The sun glitters against the turquoise surface of the shallow waters, foamy waves gently lapping against the hot sand.

"We are going to swim and forget all our problems," I tell her. The beach is mostly empty, and the water is calm enough to enjoy a peaceful swim.

Turning, I look up the dunes to where a cornflower blue painted beach house sits. I assume that's where Mary and I will be staying.

"Is everything okay?" Mary asks softly.

"Yeah...yeah I'm fine," I say, waving my hand dismissively. She's probably wondering why she has been brought here for a random holiday, when she hasn't heard from me in a little while.

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