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Word Count: 1856


I'm transported by the Demon into a separate part of the cave.

She nudges me forward, ensuring I walk down the corridor that emerges into a surprisingly intimate sitting area.

My eyes immediately fall upon my mate, who is sitting rigidly on a plush crimson seat, holding a glass of something dark in his hand.

On the seat over from him is an unfamiliar man who I pin as the other Demon.

He has the same air about him as Keo. He seems tall, with broad shoulders and long legs, and is utterly terrifying.

He shifts his attention to us as we enter the room, the words he was once speaking to Keo falling short at his lips.

His eyes are a brilliant silver, sweeping down over me. Something shifts in his expression.

He knows I'm an Angel-blood.

I'm not sure if I'm used to being around a powerful Demon, but I don't flinch away from the force of his presence. His sister's nearness is just as intimidating; especially since she is still staring at my neck.

He stands, and to my surprise, he smiles. Broadly.

"Ah, you're finally joining us!" He announces, stretching his arms out.

I blink, taken aback. I expected hostility, for him to rush at me and snap my neck without letting me explain my story.

"Are you Ziah?" I ask tentatively.

He smiles, which is an expression that doesn't seem to suit his sharp features. "Ask your mate."

I look at Keo, whose eyes remain dark and shadowy. Something isn't right. Instead of matching Ziah's energy, which he is very capable of, he remains quiet and observant.

"It's him. One of the Demon's," he tells me.

"How is the Angel-blood, Astera?" Ziah asks his sister.

"She hasn't told me much," Astera mutters, a sneer fixed on her face as she looks over me. "I thought we could both decide whether we want to kill her or not."

"Kill? Please, this is a civil space. We don't need to talk about anything so terrible here," Ziah exclaims.

I can't seem to wipe the confused expression I know is on my face.

The dynamic between the siblings is completely different. One seems cruel and harsh, while the other is outgoing and welcoming.

I doubt my initial examination of his character is flawed, however. Something about him is off.

"Keo told me about you. Apparently you're a sympathiser," he muses. I don't miss the amusement in his tone, like he doesn't believe me.

"I'm not just that. I'm willing to do what I can to save Demon's," I tell him firmly.

Astera laughs bitterly. "I think it may be too late for that."

"Astera, please. These are our guests," Ziah soothes, giving her a long look. They are exchanging some kind of information by looks alone, making me nervous.

I draw in a long breath, focusing on what is important. "Where is Dax?"

"He is waiting for us in the dining room," Ziah tells me, gesturing through an archway carved into the rock that reveals a long table adorned with plates and cutlery. "Please join us for dinner."

I look at Keo. Considering the way Astera is looking at me, it may not be safe to stay here much longer.

"I don't know-"

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