(9) Audrey - REVISED

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***Her Right Mistake is also available on Inkitt

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***Her Right Mistake is also available on Inkitt. You can check it out by clicking on the link on my profile. It would mean so much to me. 💕

Audrey didn't back out when Kathie told her that Vren was at the party. She even stayed calm when Kathie told her that she spilled the secret on her husband by accident.

She half-expected her to accidentally tell at least one person close to her.

However, seeing Vren is a whole other level than just knowing Vren was going to be at the party. In fact, she ended up with her head on a toilet bowl.

"That's right. Let it all out." Jessica was by the door, keeping a lookout. Like she couldn't have just locked it. "Just let it go."

Audrey couldn't hear her over her own retching. She was puking her guts out while Kylie is rubbing her back.

"I know we should've just canceled," Kylie murmurs, worry dripping in her voice.

She couldn't respond to that as she was too preoccupied.

Jessica bunched up the hem of her dress and knelt next to her. "Audrey, we need to get you home. You are not okay."

Audrey fisted her hands as her head lowered further to the toilet bowl to flush whatever food was left in her system. When she was done, Jessica helped her up.

"We need to fix your makeup." Kylie rummaged through her bag, completely unbothered that her dress was crumpled around the hem. She was that dedicated to Audrey. And she loves her for it.

However, her makeup was the last thing on her mind right now. She's pregnant for Christ's sake! She hadn't fully processed the thought as of five minutes ago. The sight of Vren slapped the reality of the pregnancy on her.

Now that she was slowly wrapping her head around it, it was impossible to stay clear-headed.

Kylie handed her a toothbrush.

God, what would she do without Kylie?

She brushed her teeth and let Kylie fix her makeup for her while Jessica did her hair.

"We're going to leave, okay? And we're going to take you home. Then, you're going straight to bed and get rest," she says like Audrey was a kindergartener.

Audrey sighed.

God, she's a mess.

"I'll go get the car ready." Kylie left in a flash.

Jessica's phone played a piece of loud pop music that made her head throb. She took her phone out of her purse and the ringtone went a thousandfold louder. "It's Kathie."

Audrey had her hand over her forehead. "Your ringtone is horrible."

She lets out an offended gasp. "No, it's not."

Audrey rolled her eyes.

Jessica answered the call. When she hung up, she held her face firmly. "Kathie wants to come. Let's go."

She could only nod.

Jessica holds her hand as they make their way back to the garden. Kathie called again; this time Jessica had to press her phone closer to her ear because there were so many people outside.

Somewhere between the throng of a murmuring crowd, Audrey's hand slipped. She curses under her breath and squeezes her way out. She winced when she felt her head throb again.

Audrey fumbled for her phone in her purse. She murmurs another curse when her phone vibrated, slipped from her hand, and tumbled down a shallow slope. On the screen, she sees Jessica's incoming call.

She tried to walk toward her phone despite her unsteady steps. Her phone was within reach, but someone beat her to it.


A back went ramrod straight.

She knew that voice. When she looked up, it really was Vren Parkinson holding her phone, handing it to her like the perfect gentleman.

She took it. "Thank you."

"Are you okay?" His hand went up to her face, his fingers lightly grazing her cheek.

Audrey faltered from the contact. She stepped back, almost losing her balance had Vren didn't rush to her side.

"I'm fine. I just needed some air." She winces at the music. It hadn't bothered her before but now the music sounds like nails on a chalkboard.

Vren started to lead her somewhere quieter. Despite her splitting headache, she noticed the female attention Vren was getting—mostly though, they were a form of dirty looks directed at her.

By the time they made it to a fountain, she no longer heard the music. She sat on the edge of the fountain, taking deep breaths to compose herself.

Vren crouched to her eye level, his blue eyes tender with genuine concern. Then, the reality of having a baby snuck its way back, slapping her across the face.

Her stomach twisted into a knot. For a moment, she thought she was going to throw up again.

"Audrey, is everything okay? You look pale." He reaches for her face.

She sprang up. "I'm fine."

"Are you sure? You don't seem fine." Vren stood up.

Her head spun. She looked up at his face, her hands instinctively going to his chest and clutching his suit.

His face turned blurry. Then everything turned black.

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