(35) Audrey

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Before you continue, please know that this book still needs a lot of fact checking because pregnancy 101 is not something I am an expert of. This means that the author of this book needs to have more research about PREGNANCY and you'll probably be questioning some farfetched information in the book. Again, I did not make some thorough research. Please know that is the first draft and will undergo minimum to drastic editing once done with "fact checking."


The ride was painfully long. Her throat hurts. There was a chill setting on the pit of her stomach. A weight crushing her shoulders. There was pricking in her eyes, threatening to blur her vision. She dug her nails on her palm, reminding herself this isn't the time to unravel. She sucked in a breath and focused on putting one foot in front of the other. Kylie walks down the hall next to her. Mark trailed behind.

The waiting room was quiet. Her aunt Gemma was sitting next to her father. She rushed toward her and gave her a hug. She was trembling and she was mopping her face with a handkerchief.

"It's okay, aunt Gem. You can go and we'll keep you updated." She patted her back and put her rumpled aunt in arm's length. "It's okay."

She nods and leaves the waiting room without another word. The crying has worn her out.

Kylie stood in one corner, looking slightly out of place. "Do you want me to call Vren?"

Audrey could only nod. The mention of Vren weakened her. She, however, doesn't allow herself to dissemble. It wasn't the convenient time to break down. Hell, she doesn't think there was time at all. But then Vren Parkinson enters her mind and somehow, she wanted to break down. Because there was another choice other than keeping it all to herself. She wanted Vren to be here.

Mark tells her he's going to get them coffees after talking to her dad. She hears his footsteps fading in the hall. She was alone with Lenard Danler who was hunched on his seat like he was on the edge himself.

Audrey was in the same state. She was just better at hiding it.

"Are you okay, Audrey?" His father cleared his throat when his voice came out hoarse.

She leans her back on the cold wall, too rattled to rest her feet. "You wife is not. What if aunt Gem didn't came over this morning to borrow a stupid bowl?"

"I didn't know—"

"You didn't know because you left her all alone," she flared. Her eyes burned but she blinks it back. "You don't think about her. You only care about yourself."

Hurt flashed in his eyes. "I loved your mother."

"Yes. You loved her. You stopped way before getting a divorce, right? Why else would you cheat on her with Rachel's mother?"


"Every time you promise you would change, she believes you." The worst part was she did too. Her father didn't just broke her mother's heart. He broke hers too.

Rachel found out about it eventually and their friendship tilted out of proportion. When her mother died, she had to take it out on someone. She had a flaming anger bigger than the world. And she spewed it out on Audrey. A deeply hurt Audrey whose response was an ice cold detachment.

"I'm sorry." His father swiped a hand over his ragged face. "I made a mistake."

Her eyes found comfort on the ceiling. "Mistakes, you mean."

"I can't fight you over this again, Audrey. Not right now."

She lets out a humorless laugh. "Just so you know, I don't understand why she still loved you. How could she forgive you over and over again when you always go running back to my best friend's mother?"

Audrey hears her father sighed. And says nothing. There was a deafening silence until Kylie's stilettos tap louder as she came in the waiting room. Mark came back after her with four to-go coffees.

Kylie suggested she takes a seat. When she didn't, she held her hand and leads her to a spot furthest away from potential disturbances. Like her perturbed dad. And Mark who came like a knight in shining armor from the past.

She took the coffees Mark offered, relieving her of any interaction with him that could make her already stressful pursuit of calm more unachievable. Audrey managed to wrap an unstable hand around the cup but never once had she lift it for a sip.

Kylie's hand found hers. The gesture was a comfort enough to her. An unspoken communication that she was there not just as a personal assistant. She was there for her aid.

"Mr. Danler?" A doctor entered the silent waiting room.

Her father stood and Audrey followed to the doctor's side. Kylie whispered she'll be outside on a lookout for Vren. She nodded and let her took her bag that hadn't moved an inch on her shoulder. The doctor speaks in a composed and assuring tone but all she could really put to understanding was, "She's awake and can receive visitors."

They followed the doctor through the maze of white corridors. He led them to a door before leaving them to their privacy. His father opened the door and they went inside. Monitors were beeping and blinking with her vital signs. Her mother's eyes fluttered open, her lips twitching to form a smile that was too weak to even reach her eyes. "Hi, sweetheart."

Audrey sat down next to the bed and took her mother's hand to her cheek. Shards of glass dwelled in her throat. An ache flared in her gut but she had to tamp it down.


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