(30) Audrey

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Audrey surreptitiously glanced down at the hand intertwined with hers. Vren has been sweeter the past few days. He even canceled on important meetings to go with her doctor's appointment. He insisted he comes with. It's not that he was acting strange. He was constant in displaying a thoughtful gesture. It was crossing the thin line to romantic but she keeps that idea locked up in the back of her mind. It was almost like he was trying to win her over.

"You know everyone here. And they know you." He winks, a wry grin on his face.

The pool splashed from the familiar faces clad in swim suits. Floats were on the pool, pink lemonades in every hand to balance the afternoon heat. The smell of barbecue made her stomach growled. Nathaniel Forester, one of the few people who skipped the swim suit, approaches them.

"Hi. I'm glad you could make it." He pushed his sunglasses up his head and gave Vren a manly hug before turning to her.

"Happy birthday." Audrey smiled.

His wife comes over – no bikinis either. "Hi. Come join us. We've been chugging pink lemonades for hours. We had to cut back on the booze. The children might have accidently mistaken them for a fruity drink."

Audrey takes in the isolated home of the couple. There were birdhouses hanging on the tree branches she could hear birds chirping. It was a lovely home.

Ideal for raising their two children who were scrambling out of their aunties lap, one being Kathie (no bikini) and Chandra (one piece swimsuit). Ethan was dripping wet opting for a cheerful wave unlike his sister who threw herself at Vren's leg. She was wearing a tiara and a tutu skirt that glittered in the sun.

Ethan hid behind her mommy and smiled shyly at her. "I'm Ethan. Uncle Vren told me he's bringing his girlfriend. You are his girlfriend?"

"That I am." She smiled back.

He steps forward, his shoulders visibly relaxing.

"And this is princess Georgina." Vren swept her off the ground and to his arms.

The little girl grinned. "You're really pretty."

"Thank you. You're way prettier."

She giggled.

Kathie comes over, two pink lemonades in hand. "Welcome to the party." She guides Audrey into her hug and offered the lemonade which she gratefully took.

"Thanks." She sighed after taking one long sip.

"You get your own drink." Kathie turned to Vren, her face falling flat. "I don't like you right now."

A scream twirled their heads around, wincing at the sound of slapping body and a splash. "Not cool." Chandra raked a hand over her hair, sprinkling waters from the laughing culprits.

"You sounded like a little girl." Christian cooed mockingly.

She splashed a copious amount of water to the others on the lounge chairs. The Parkinsons were all present except for Matthew. Nathaniel's siblings were there too. His older sister Starlet was in a fashionable two piece bikini, glasses perching on her nose like she was the brand model – which she was along with other brands of pretty things. And by that she meant, she's a well-known model and acts on the sideline.

His youngest brother Jett Forester has made a name in the music industry. He comes home once in a while. Audrey is not into music but she's heard a few decent songs of his.

Long story short, Nathaniel lead a less glittery career. Probably for the best because who else would run the growing family business. Forester realty was one of the major success in the business industry. Audrey knows that because, well, she just knows.

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