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Chapter two!!! Some of this story will be set in the past, when Maheen and Hasan were teens. I will indicate when we're going back in time, otherwise it will be present day. 

Now, let's go to the first time Maheen and Hasan meet😆 Vote, comment, share, and enjoy! 

Ten Years Ago

I found my brother Rayyan in the parking lot after my last class and noticed he was standing with someone. As I got closer and my brother noticed me approaching, he said something to the guy and pointed towards me.

"Maheen, this is Hasan."

So this was the infamous Hasan my brother had been talking so much about these past few months. Rayyan met Hasan at the mosque on a Friday during the summer and like it always is with boys, a random friendship blossomed which consisted mostly of football games in the park and pizza after Friday prayers.

I got into the back seat, buckling myself in while they talked and basically ignored me.

Well, Rayyan talked and Hasan listened.

Hasan was quiet. He smiled, he nodded, he chuckled. But he never said a word the entire ride home.

Rayyan dropped Hasan off first and then drove us home, a mere five minutes from Hasan's house. It didn't take me a second once Hasan was out of the car to start rambling to my brother.

"So is he mute or just really quiet?" I leaned my chin on the shoulder of my brother's seat.

"Spare the poor lad M," my brother pushed my forehead so that I was forced to sit back into my seat.

Rayyan all but ran out of the car when we pulled into our driveway. This was our routine. I talked and talked until he got bored of listening to me. Then he ran away and I went to Mom to tell her everything I just told him.

Mom was the best.

"Maheen, there is a dawaat (dinner party) this weekend so make sure you get home from work in time."

"Ugh mom, do I have to come?" I sat down beside her at the dining table, taking some peas to help her peel.

"Yes Maheen please. I can't listen to your Dadi complain again about how you're getting out of hand because you don't participate in community building," my mom mostly muttered to herself. I had to bite back what I really wanted to say, to avoid escalating the situation.

"Fine, I'll be there mom."

"Thank you my chand (moon)," she kissed my forehead and went back to peeling her peas with a smile.

That Saturday, I sulked in a corner of someone's basement while all the other kids at this dawaat had siblings or cousins to hang out with. My brother was sitting with the uncles upstairs in the living room. He turned 18 two months ago and all of the sudden he got to join the adults while my 16 year old butt was rotting in the basement with the children.

I pushed myself up off the ground and went upstairs, to the top floor in search of a quiet bathroom. Maybe I could hide out there and read books on my phone.

There was someone at the top of the stairs, standing in the dark with their phone in their hands.

"Excuse me," I muttered, looking around them for the bathroom door in this random house I'd never been in.

"It's over there," he pointed to the third door in this narrow hallway. I saw his face now to recognize him as Hasan.

I passed a non-committed thanks and entered the bathroom. Now I had to get back out in a normal amount of time or he would think I was pooping.

Last First Chance (Al-Ameen Family Spin-Off)Where stories live. Discover now