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The week had been long and the weekend couldn't come any faster. Everyone had agreed to cut the day short and sneak out early to get some shopping done before the weekend rush. I agreed to join and followed the group out to the car once the clock hit 6pm.

Reem took it upon herself to help me find some new outfits that in her words would flatter this beautiful body God has blessed on me. Hasan stayed close, going wherever she and I went. But at one point, the entire group had scattered in the giant mall, and I lost Reem in the department store we were in.

Hasan sat on the bench in the store, silently watching me rummage through racks and rack of dresses. I was starting to find his boredom amusing, but in true Hasan form, he never uttered a complaint.

I grabbed a slinky, red dress and walked into the changing room. I had no plans of buying this, but I wanted to annoy him some more. I slipped into it and took a second first to see my own reflection.

We always look for the negatives before we look for the positives. I waited a moment before looking at myself properly. The dress fell beautifully over my curves, accentuating at my hips. The colour brought out the shine in my eyes and made my skin glow.

I let my hair out of my ponytail and then smiled at myself. I was beautiful and I was proud that I could finally see that in myself. I grabbed my phone and texted Hasan to come help me.

He called out to me when he was in front of the change rooms and I stuck my hand out to pull him behind the lush, velvet curtain. He stumbles in, eyes going wide when he notices my appearances. I face the mirror again and pull my hair to the side. "Zip me up?"

He stares at me through the mirror for a few moments. I see his chest rise and fall with a big breath before he takes me by the elbow and spins me around.

His other hand snakes its way around my waist but instead of zipping me up, he splays his hand flat on my bare back. A small gasp comes out of me at the feeling of his cold fingers on my skin, before the heat rushes in.

"You're having a lot of fun torturing me aren't you Maheen?" his voice is menacingly teasing. He uses the hand on my back to pull me up against his chest. "Let's just call a truce so we can get things moving along yes?"

"You sound eager," I smile bashfully.

His mouth quirks up before he leans down. "I'm done waiting. Say you're mine." He commands. The words cause a shiver to run down my spine, one I know he can feel too.

"Say you're mine," I ask instead, raising my chin up at him defiantly.

He closes the gap and places a light kiss on my lips. "I was always yours Maheen. I never stood a chance."


I was gearing up for going undercover. Patrick had some team members working with me the past week to make a game plan on what we planned to do. Hasan just worked in the corner of the room sulking annoyedly.

On Friday, I wanted to go scope out the club so that we would ready for the intended raid on Sunday. Patrick approved and he assigned some team members to do a dry run with me.

I'd never been to a club before. It took me almost an hour to decide on how to go get ready. As the hour passed, I became more and more nervous. Clubs were not my idea of a fun, halal night, and I was going in alone. What should I expect? What should I do?

I felt uncomfortable looking at myself in the mirror. Reem helped me do my makeup so heavy that it masked most of my real features. I was wearing black jeans and a black silk top with a black jacket over it in an attempt to help me hide in plain sight, and Reem had straightened my hair and kept it forward so that it helped in giving my face some extra curtaining.

Last First Chance (Al-Ameen Family Spin-Off)Where stories live. Discover now