
139 13 9

Drama..... 0_0 



After dinner, most of the adults leave, barring a few of Rayyan's close family members. All the girls gather in the middle of the room and the DJ plays for music as they all sing and dance.

I hang back with the other guys, enjoying the cricket match Armaan has playing on his phone.

But my eyes frequently stray to one girl on particular every time I hear the crowd whistle and hoot. Maheen really took over the party once the more upbeat songs started playing.

Currently, she's dancing with one of Rayyan's aunt-in-laws, who is admittedly a few sizes bigger than Maheen. But it doesn't faze her as she twirls and sways with the older lady. Maheen's entire demeanor is so free, so playful, it livens the whole room. Her ability to embrace joy was enviable and contagious and when it was directed at you, it was captivating.

As if she feels my stare, she turns, meeting my eyes. A grin spreads across her face, ear to ear. Her head tilts to the side a little, a clear indication of the wickedness she has going on inside her mind.

She directs her singing at me, dramatically falling into Naina's arms, "Hai hai main mar jaava, mar jaava tere bin. Ab toh meri raatein katti taare gin gin. (I will die without you. I spend my sleepless counting stars)."

I duck my head to hide my own stupid smile before she can see. She may be half a foot smaller than me, but she can get me blushing like a juvenile little school girl.

When it was getting late, I said my goodbyes to everyone. Maheen offered to walk me out to my car while I wait for my parents to join.

Before I get in, she holds both her hands out in front of her.

"Find your name," she demands.

I watch her for a second, making sure she was okay with me taking her hands in mine. I hold them firmly, moving my eyes down her face, her neck, her arms, and finally to her hands. Her hands are tiny and soft in mine, tempting me to keep them there forever.

"Maheen. There's no one here. You don't have to keep pretenses up," I mutter as I search her hands for my name.

"What pretenses? I just have my best friend's name on my hand and I'm asking him to find it," she tries to shrug casually but the movement is shaky. I'm glad to know it's not just me that gets so affected by our proximity.

I tug her hands so she's closer, searching her eyes instead of her hands for what I want to see. "Just admit it Shaikh," my voice is barely above a whisper.

"There's nothing to admit Rizvi," she shakes her head slightly.

I sigh internally, pulling back. Without moving my eyes off her, I point to the spot on her wrist where I had seen my name earlier.

She bites the inside of her cheek, looking down at her feet. I let go of her hands, leaning against my car until she's ready to say goodbye. She just smiles at me, swinging lightly side to side with the faint music coming from inside the hall.

In her sparkling outfit, flowers braided into her hair, glowing under the light of the moon, she's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. I have to fight every bone in my body not to steal her away to somewhere where it would be just us. No pretenses. No fears.

"You're actively trying to ruin me Maheen," I groan, turning around to get into my car before she does something more that makes me lose what little control I am exercising.

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