───※ ·14· ※───

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───※ ·DAMIAN· ※───

I wasn't sure why I decided to help Nsikan to the nurse's office, it just seemed like the right thing to do. Aside from that, I was starting to see her as more than that weird girl at the back of the class that does nothing but smile and act goofy all day. All this while, I thought she was average with little to no care of the world but now I got to realize it was all a facade. Behind her smile, was a fearful soul. And I knew all that based on the time she'd opened up in my room.

I shook my head slightly to focus on what was happening here. In front of me was Muller; the head boy, the head girl, Stella; the female social prefect, the male social prefect, Chloe; the female sports prefect, and then me. Queen was present but her presence wasn't needed. She was the assistant female social prefect and having Stella was enough for me.

I had gathered them because I wanted to talk about what the coach was planning on doing. They all stared, waiting for the reason for the meeting.

"Muller has been briefed and that's why he helped called this meeting," I started, pointing at Muller with my free palm. We'd chosen the greenhouse as our meeting place since it was less tense and we can talk at a normal volume than at the library. "The swim team is having a tryout this Friday to recruit new members. Yesterday, the coach suggested we'd make it fun and wanted the prefect in charge of those posts to know about it."

"It's fine," Queen said smiling, attempting to lean closer to me. "Anything for you, Damian."

"God," Stella groaned in annoyance. "I get why Muller's here, he's the head boy, same with why the head girl is here. They are the head of the school and need to be present at every prefect gathering. Official or not. I get why Chloe's here, she's the sports prefect, same with Damian. They're in the sport aspect and irrespective of being in different teams, they're needed. I get why I'm here, I'm the social prefect, same with Dunamis here. We are in charge of every social gathering for this school. Do you see what all of us have in common, our assistants aren't here."

"And?" Queen arched her brows while looking at Stella. "Isn't my fault they're incompetent. I'm competent enough to be in this meeting."

"I can see the competency," Stella hissed, then turned to me. "Damian, sorry but we have to be professional about this."

"It's fine," I said quietly, avoiding Queen's body that was slowly leaning closer to me. "That's why I called the meeting."

"Okay," Dunamis cleared his throat. "How big is this party man?"

"True," Stella nodded. "It's not officially authorized by the school to have its fixed day. People will be learning on that day and we don't want something destructive."

"It's not big," I said to her. "And the tryout will commence after school hours."

Stella nodded, then brought out her notepad and pen. "Okay. We'll work with that. We could take little money from the school's sports budget and little from the social budget."

The social prefect was more or less the event planner at Greenville High. The school has a budget for every segment which was held by the bursary.

"Maybe ribbons, snack table, and live Dj," Stella said, writing each word down.

I gave a silent nod and looked elsewhere. The meeting was right about done.

"Isn't Benji good at Dj work?" Muller asked, pulling my attention back to the small group.

"A student?" Queen asked with a scrunched face. "God, no. I'll tell my daddy to bring in the best of the best-"

"I don't need the best of the best," I cut Queen off and turned to Muller. "Benji sounds nice."

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