───※ ·17· ※───

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───※ ·NSIKAN· ※───

Sitting in the backseat of my car, I remembered everything that went down after Damian walked out of the outdoor pool and the words I'd said to my two best friends. The annoyance was still fresh so I remembered every word said by them.


Stella was pacing back and forth with an angry expression after Thompson had left us earlier to go make a call.

"If he left because he was so disappointed," Stella had promptly stopped, "Then he's the biggest jerk in the history of biggest jerks."

"Stella-" Muller had sighed, but Stella wasn't hearing any of it.

"Look at Nsikan," She'd pointed at me with her full palm. "She did all this to impress him and the only place he decided to take her, is for granted?"

"He must have had his reasons," We'd all turned to the entrance to see Thompson, walking toward us with both hands in his pocket.

"What reason?!" Unlike Thompson's calm words and actions, Stella had the opposite. I'd turned to Chuks hoping he'd stop Stella cause I didn't want this, but Chuks looked a bit detached.

"What stupid reason? Your friend," Stella had moved closer to shove a finger at Thompson's chest. "Is nothing but a cold-hearted jerk. What does he think he is? The coolest in the world? He's no freezer so he should stop acting like one."

"I know you're angry," Thompson had said, looking her in the eye. "But now you are being insensitive."

"Insensitive?" Stella had bitten her lower lips to contain her anger. "You and Muller are defending Damian even when you know he's in the wrong, and I'm the insensitive one?"

Muller who had been quiet all this while, had taken a step forward but was held by Thompson. "My friend trained hard for a stupid person, only for him to walk away in such a manner, but no, I'm the insensitive one-"

"That's enough, Stella!" We'd all kept quiet after Thompson's sudden outburst. I'd turned to see Stella's mouth open as a result of her unfinished statement. "Instead of throwing tantrums, console your friend."

Thompson's face wasn't as scary as his current voice tone and the way he'd turned and left the pool after that, showed he was done with us.

"What?" Chuks had asked tiredly, looking at Muller. "Aren't you going to run along with him?"

I'd looked down to see Muller balling his fist tightly, as a way to control his next action. "For all it's worth, Damian didn't leave because he was disappointed."

My wide eyes sharply met Muller's same time Stella had let out a loud scoff. "Spare us the lecture, you don't need to wear wolf, sheep clothing."

"Can you listen to yourself?!" Muller had started getting angry. "Be the usual Stella and think straight, all of you!" Muller had let his warning gaze fall upon us three. "You said Damian was acting cool. Do you think a cool person would leave someone behind in such a manner? Even if he was disappointed, which we aren't sure of yet, do you think he wouldn't take the option of coming over to scold Nsikan, instead?"

I'd pondered over Muller's words in silence. And though Muller was making sense at that point, it still didn't dispute the fact that I'd failed Damian.

"If he wasn't disappointed, why didn't he say so earlier?" Chuks had asked but in a genuinely curious manner. "Thompson came in without him and you want us to accept that he isn't disappointed?"

"Jumping to a conclusion doesn't look good on either of you." Muller then brought out his phone and displayed a text from Thompson which read 'He's heading home for a different reason'.

𝐆𝐑𝐄𝐄𝐍𝐕𝐈𝐋𝐋𝐄 𝐇𝐈𝐆𝐇 𝐒𝐂𝐇𝐎𝐎𝐋 𝐒𝐄𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐒: 𝐌𝐈𝐗 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐌𝐀𝐗 ✅Where stories live. Discover now