───※ ·15· ※───

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───※ ·NSIKAN· ※───

I sat on the dining seat but I wasn't at peace. My heart kept banging against my chest and it seemed it would burst out any minute. I hope it doesn't though. Without my heart, I'd die.

Why was my heart beating you might ask. The answer to that is this, today was D-day. Today was the day that would determine if Damian would be my tutor or not. And to be honest, I wasn't sure if I'd made progress with swimming, but I needed all the miracles in the world.

"Oh honey, it's a brand new day!" Mother exclaimed in a cherry voice and I quickly turned to respond only to stop to see her speaking to the screen of her phone.

"I wanted to see you first thing in the morning before starting my day." A deep male voice responded. "Can't wait to see you later today."

Oh, she was making a video call.

"Yeah honey, can't wait to see you too. You sound equally as excited, I'm sure you've prepared for tonight." I choked on the tea I was drinking at that moment.

"Your dirty mind's gonna kill you someday," Mum commented before moving to the chair on the edge of the dining. "That's just my beautiful daughter coughing her lungs out."

"Say hi to her for me?" The man she was video calling, said, which made me give a wide smile to mum, which she grimaced at.

"Yeah, she waved." She brushed my smile off.

"I got to go, love, see you this evening?" Asked the man.

Mum smiled softly at her screen. "Yeah, see you."

After mother had ended her call and placed her phone beside her breakfast, she looked at me blankly. "What? You're literally twelve yet have a bad mind?"

"Mum!" I exclaimed, "I'm fifteen!"

Mother blinked for a few seconds, "Oh. Still..."

She didn't complete her statement and just opened her flat dish to reveal the omelet smiling back at her. I wasn't joking, the maids made a smiley face with tomatoes as eyes and nose and a half-ring onion as a mouth.

"Look at this," Mum's smile grew. "So cute."

"Yeah, Nsikan," Mother continued, "I'd be having dinner tonight with someone important."

"With the one you're in love with?" I wasn't a genius, but still, it wouldn't take one to know who the important person was.

"Yes, and he isn't coming alone though," Mother winked. "I got you a new dress to wear for the dinner. It's so beautiful and it's gonna fit you perfectly. I'm gonna get you some heels today at the mall to compliment your height and I've already booked the makeup artist."

I tried ignoring the 'compliment your height' comment. "Wow mum, you seem over the moon for this man. But doesn't all that cost a fortune?"

"I own a fortune," Mother bragged, before sipping the tea in front of her. "I ordered a renowned chef to come cook dinner. Don't be surprise when you come home after school to see new faces around the house, okay?"

"Mum," I coughed. "It's just one dinner night o."

"And?" Mother arched her brow as if saying 'what's your point?'

"You can do all this for a man but can't increase my daily allowance," I grumbled to myself, but it wasn't like my mother would do anything about it.

Mother took her phone instead and began taking pictures of the breakfast she called cute.

𝐆𝐑𝐄𝐄𝐍𝐕𝐈𝐋𝐋𝐄 𝐇𝐈𝐆𝐇 𝐒𝐂𝐇𝐎𝐎𝐋 𝐒𝐄𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐒: 𝐌𝐈𝐗 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐌𝐀𝐗 ✅Where stories live. Discover now