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I closed the door and went back to my seat.


Aimee Zaria Managold.

Someone who has been on my mind a lot for the past three years.

I looked at the plastic container and a small smile reached my lips. She truly came here just to give me this.

Hearing her voice on the phone earlier somehow made my stress go away. But I didn't expect her to show up here.

She drove this late, just for me.

Seeing her in front of the office, dressed in a casual outfit made my heart skip a beat. Her cheek and nose were slightly pink from the cold. Her hair was up, in a messy bun.

Now that I remember she didn't have a jacket. I should have given her my coat, but again I didn't want to make her feel uncomfortable.

Since she started working here, I noticed that Zaria had a lot of anxiety when talking to people. It got better with time, but it was still there.

That's why I started being more careful, with how I talked to her.

Working as the CEO of a huge company was not an easy task. Stress was constantly present and people sometimes made it worse. I can't say I've been friendliest to my employees in the past. I was an asshole, I admit it.

I just couldn't stand someone doing a mistake and not taking his job seriously.

But when Zaria started working here, things changed. When she first came into my office to tell me that she accidentally set the wrong dates for two very important meetings, I just couldn't get myself to be angry. I told her not to worry and helped her solve the problem.

And I knew, I won't be able to raise my voice at her. Ever.

She was shy and would constantly try to avoid my eyes. With time she became an excellent secretary and did her job perfectly. Even after three years, she would always ask and make sure everything was done well.

I knew I was a difficult man to work for. And I admired her coming to work with a smile on her face and putting up with me and my requests.

That smile.

I was constantly thinking about it. Like a fool, I would always hope she would smile in my presence.

Yes, maybe I liked her. Though that didn't change the fact that she was my employee and twelve years younger than me.

I knew it was wrong but I couldn't fight it. It's like my heart had a mind of its own.

Because of that, I tried to stay away from her and ignore her as much as I could.

That was not so easy since she was in my presence every day. But I was trying. As I said, I didn't want to make her uncomfortable. I had to be professional and not give in to my stupid heart.

I guess, I was just going to admire her from afar.

I didn't have time for dating. It was something, I didn't do. In the past, yes. But now, for five years I was single. And it was fine with me.

When I was younger, I would date women from my circle. Rich and successful. It was mostly daughters from family friends.

They were just short relationships. A lot of those women wanted to just date, but, I wanted someone for a long-term commitment. I wanted to have a family on my own.

I wanted it with Zaria.

But I had to keep my heart in check. She was young and not interested in me. Sometimes I would get the tiniest bit of hope. Like tonight. She was the only one to check up on me and make sure I was okay.

By doing things like that, I felt like there could be something.

"Get yourself together," I mumbled to myself and opened the plastic container.

I ate the whole piece. It was delicious as she said. I didn't even have a proper dinner, so this was at least something I could eat for now.

I'll eat something else when I get home.

I continued with my work.


It was almost 10 pm and it was time to leave. I was physically drained. And emotionally exhausted.

I put on my coat, grabbed my phone, and keys, and locked the office.

I had a twenty-minute drive to my penthouse.

There were people outside on the streets. Hanging out, laughing, dancing...

Celebrating New Year's never made sense to me. What was there to be excited about? Whatever.

I continued with my drive and finally arrived. Parking my car in the garage, I stepped out and went to the elevator. I hated this part of the day. Going home was something, I didn't particularly enjoy.

My penthouse was on the thirty-sixth floor, so I had a pretty amazing view of the city. There were huge windows surrounding the living room and the kitchen.

The sound of my shoes against the tiles was echoing in the empty place. I needed a long, relaxing shower. I went to the bathroom and took off my clothes.

After I showered, I dressed in grey sweatpants and got straight to the kitchen. It was time to make a dinner.

I made the dinner and ate it in peaceful silence. I placed the dishes in the dishwasher and went to the living room.

It was 11:56 pm now. In four minutes the sky was going to be lit with fireworks.

'Don't stay there for too long, you'll miss the firework.'

Zaria's words played in my mind.

And I stayed and watched the fireworks. I didn't miss them.

And we got to know Leo.
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